What do you collect?

I want to get pretty much every card, so I just focus on buying whatever I can get a good deal on and is in Gem Mint condition - otherwise it goes in the "will trade lots of them for a gem mint" card pile lol
I am a new Pokemon TCG player and collector :).

In terms of competitive playing, I have been trying to get as many legal cards as possible to make as many top tier decks as I can.

In terms of collecting, I have been trying to obtain any and all Pikachu cards. I'm also working on completing all of the Black & White sets (including all Reverse Holo cards). I have also made some totally random purchases, including but not limited to: WOTC era cards, EX series cards, Korean cards, and POP series cards. I am still searching for a definitive focus for my collection. I'm considering collecting Eevolition cards, or maybe all of the cards for a specific Pokemon. There is just so much to collect! :p
Secret Pikachu said:
There is just so much to collect!

Tell me about it.

I collect:


I have to find Dutch. I have extras.
omahanime said:
Tell me about it.

I collect:


I have to find Dutch. I have extras.

That's crazy (crazy awesome)! Props to you for having the knowledge and resources to be able to collect so much. Hopefully one day I will be able to do the same :).

I'm intrigued by foreign cards. They seem much more interesting than the majority of English cards.
Japanese, English, and Dutch language cards.

For English, it's kind of entirely haphazard at this point because my pre-BW collections are so meager, so mostly I'm looking to get cards that I like and cards of my favourite pokémon. I have a full few sets, and also full or almost full collections of some of my favourite pokémon: Bellsprout, Shellos/Gastrodon, Dratini.

Japanese is also pretty haphazard, though I'm focusing mostly on BW-on because that's where I (re)started, and again, favourite pokémon. No full sets yet, though, except for Dragon Selection (which I actually have 2 full sets of).

I want a full set of all the Dutch cards, but since there's only 3-4 sets, the biggest difficulty is in finding the cards. I've got a few lucky breaks, and hope to continue on better once I move over there.

As far as non-TCG collecting goes, I have a nice collection of Bandai Pokémon finger puppets. I started picking them up at ACen a couple years ago from one of the dealers, and I have about 20 now, mostly of favourite pokémon (though I could never find a blue Shellos!). I haven't seen too many people or sellers with these, but they amuse me. I also have a few plush, but not many, since so many of the good quality plush are so expensive and I have a hard time justifying it (so I just spend all my money on cardboard, instead :p).
omahanime said:
Tell me about it.

I collect:


I have to find Dutch. I have extras.
I have mutch dutch! I will try to make a list this week ;)
I'm collecting:

All English sets (1e edition, unlimited and Reverse Holo)
All Japanese sets
All the Dutch cards (1e edition and unlimited)
All English Promo's
All Japanese Promo's (but not the super rare Promo's can't afford them ;P)
All Jumbo cards English and Japanese
All Error cards (the listed and on the side also miscuts etc.)
All sealed Boosters English, Japanese and Dutch
All sealed Booster Box English and Dutch
All sealed Theme Decks English and Dutch
All sealed Movie Half Decks Japanese

In the future I want to collect:
All the sets and the sealed Boosters in Korean, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Polish.
abv150 said:
I'm collecting:

All English sets (1e edition, unlimited and Reverse Holo)
All Japanese sets
All the Dutch cards (1e edition and unlimited)
All English Promo's
All Japanese Promo's (but not the super rare Promo's can't afford them ;P)
All Jumbo cards English and Japanese
All Error cards (the listed and on the side also miscuts etc.)
All sealed Boosters English, Japanese and Dutch
All sealed Booster Box English and Dutch
All sealed Theme Decks English and Dutch
All sealed Movie Half Decks Japanese

In the future I want to collect:
All the sets and the sealed Boosters in Korean, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Polish.

That's pretty much my collection, minus the Dutch and All JPN Promos (I'm only collecting some). I never even thought of collecting sealed Theme Decks though (I've kept all the boxes from the ones I've opened)!!

Are there really Polish language cards? How many sets were released in Polish?
ALL Pokemon Card sets:
-Main Sets
-Promo Sets
-POP Sets
-Older Trainer Kits
-Prerelease Cards
-JUMBO Cards
-League Promos

TCG Figurines
Card Tins
Pokemon Adventures Manga
And just about anything else that I can find. :)
How do you guys feel about reverse holos?
Would you consider a set finished if you had all holos/rares/ultra rares ect. but not the reverses?
salmoncannon said:
How do you guys feel about reverse holos?
Would you consider a set finished if you had all holos/rares/ultra rares etc. but not the reverses?

That is what I did on the Japanese sets that had reverse holos.
I don't really care much about reverse holos. To me, they're just another version of the card, though in terms of complete sets, I'd rather have a regular card than a reverse one. Only real exception to that is the EX series sets because I actually like that style of RH.
Wow, I didn't even know Japanese sets had reverses.
So if I was trying to finish a set, and had every card aside from reverses, most people would consider this a complete set?
Only a few japanese sets had rev holos. I consider complete sets for the English versions to have every card (inc all EX, FA, LV X, shiny, star, unown, ETC)...but I dont count the reverse holos OR the nonholos for sets like jungle, fossil, etc. Those old sets originally in Japan only had commons, uncommons, nonholo rares that were only nonholo rares, and holo rares. USA added nonholo versions of holos because they are greedy. I just went for holos. Most reverse holos I didnt like and I just felt it was a way to try to get more money out of US collectors as well as giving ppl 1 rev holo per pack (make ppl happier or something).

So yes salmoncannon, if you had an entire set minus reverse holos, I would consider that a set.
I collect pretty much any pikachu card I can afford! :p Thats not alot but its fun and entertaining! ^-^ I dont like the older reverse holos, but I like how the new ones look! Sometimes I will want a certain card in reverse holo because I love the way it looks. I would looove to collect one of every single different card print released in the US plus maybe a few japanese exclusive arts but that will take lots of time! Sounds like a fun goal! I collect commons, uncommons, pretty much anything I do not have! I really love looking at the artwork on cards more than anything. I will sometimes try my hardest to get a card with a specific art if I absolutely am in love with it.

I also collect MLP cards, MLP figures, Iwako food puzzle erasers, gemstones/minerals, and Paleozoic fossils. I really love collecting small items! It helps keep me calm, busy, sparks excitement, and give me somethin to pass on without taking up too much space, although I need to take up space...its echoy in here. :/
Oh ok awesome. I have always viewed reverse holos that way. Just an extra kinda unnecessary thing. Many do look pretty nice though.
Could possibly make completing sets a LOT harder, but I'm glad they aren't really counted as I'm trying to complete Skyridge :p

Pikachu's would be an effort to collect! So many different versions, and so many expensive ones. Good luck with that :)
^ i know! xD there are like 10 zillion different pikachu cards!!! I currently have I think...41 different arts? Out like... how many! xD I wouls love to colelct one of each in a different language but thats a lot of work! Sounds sooooo fun though! Good luck on skyridge, one of my favorite sets!!! I have maybe at the craziest 5 cards from that expansion... I kinda took a break from pokemon around 2002-2006 I deeply regret it as I missed out on so many cards I love! The charizard is my fav outta all those :p
41 is still a decent amount!
If you're taking different languages into account, that just makes it all so much harder haha.
I think a lot of people stopped collecting for a while around that time. I know I did unfortunately ): Probably why the cards are so expensive now.
On the whole Reverse Holo ordeal, there are two types of complete sets.

There is the Base Set, which also can be 1 of 2 things:
You can have a Base Set, which consists of all the cards minus the reverse holos, ultra rares, and secret rares, so it would be like 90/100 or something like that.
You could have a Base Set which consists of all the cards in a set minus the reverse holos, so 100/100 but no reverse holos.

Then there is the Master Set, which is literally every card print belonging to that set. So, this would be all normal holos and non-holos and ultra rares, as well as all the secret rares and the reverse holos. Some people even include promotional prints of cards from the set in Master Sets (i.e. Prerelease or blister pack promos).