What do you play with Leafeon to make it successful


It's not easy having a good time.
Does anyone know how to make miasma wind work? Like a pokepower that effects someone with 2 special conditions? I'm trying to make a deck for states, help!
@Darkvoid: How does Feraligatr work with Leafeon UD. I could imagine it being used with Leafeon Lv.X (which isn't good) but not Leafeon UD.
Nothing really can make Leafeon great, but you might consider Roserade UL and Rainbow Energy (Poisoned and Confused when it's attached). Skuntank G works as well; poisons both actives, but you can always retreat or warp into another Leafeon. Magmorter SV is good as well; any time you evolve a Magmar into it, it burns and confuses your opponent's active.
Unown RETURN (HGSS 54) is well paired with Roserade to get energy on it back to your hand. With Magmortar, you would have to run Seeker and MAYBE SSU (although I wouldn't).
All in all, though, this deck doesn't work really really well. You can get OHKOs often enough, but only with a pretty good opportunity (of course, those special conditions can work wonders, too). Just a word of caution.
I know Roserade + Rainbow is good.

I've tried Houndoom Prime comboed with Skuntank G and a Venusaur SV line. Burn with Houndoom, poision with skuntank (if you have venusaur out, your active grass - hopefully Leafeon - isn't poisoned) and Ivysaur SV can provide sleep.
Venusaur is bad. It just doesn't work; I'd rather put in some Warp Points/Switches to get Poison off Leafeon. Ivysaur is sort of pointless, too. You'll be getting the opponent's active Confused with Leafeon or Magmortar enough so that making it Asleep just removes Confusion and doesn't help at all.
Houndoom Prime just.. doesn't work. I tried it; it's way too flippy and you can just burn with Magmortar, assuming you're running enough Seeker.
I was just stating why it doesn't work so well. I've tried it, too, but noticed it didn't work, so I'm giving advice to the best of my knowledge. Saying "I've tried it" sort of implies you thought it works well.
Doesn t Roserade and Vileplume says when you attach a "BASIC ENERGY CARD from you hand?

My friend is running a deck like this and have a Venusaur main attacker and Vileplume and Venomoth as special condition maker.
Basic Energy Card?


I suggest looking at the card.

Rainbow Energy+Roserade UL+Leafeon Lv.X. Provides a lot of Power and Special Conditions.

dmaster out.
@wang zitong:
It's definitely not a basic energy card, people use rainbow...
Venusaur is pretty slow, and the only time you'll use an attack for less than 3 energy cards (with DCE) is if you have 60 HP or less or you feel comfortable doing base-30 with your Stage 2... I find it pretty slow.
I assume you mean Vileplume LA and Venomoth TR. I really don't see much of a point in running them together; Vileplume already poisons if you're running Rainbow (and Venomoth is flippy...).
A Stage 2 doing 80 damage (90 w/ poison) for four energy is really not that great, IMO... some decks have Donphan going for 60 for 1 energy (with 10 to each benched 'mon, but it's not a huge deal, particularly w/ Manectric+Bench Shield), and the fact that that isn't incredible in this format makes this deck seem sort of slow/underpowered...
You can play (as people has already said) roserade UL and leafeon. Or play a little more powerful pokemon lines, like leafeon, vileplume LA and UD and sunflora (< is it right? don't remember the set..) to get your pokemon out while you have trainer lock. It would have the same strategy but you add the trainer lock to prevent sp pokemon to stalling and stage 2 from using SSU to save their pokemon.

Actually, that's not a bad idea. Steelix has always been the bane of this deck, and since it doesn't rely on 'Bodies (unless you run Vileplume UD), it could help against other deck, too.
Keep in mind to run Azelf if you run a 1-1 line!!! Don't want to get stuck with your DGX in the prizes vs. Steelix...
This is a deck that I've been interested in for a while. Roserade is probably the best for causing special conditions.
I've thought of one idea. Using Rapidash from Triumphant can cause 50 and burn for 2 energy (using a Double Colourless) as well as preventing retreat. As long as there is no way for the defending pokemon to retreat that turn, then you can retreat for a Leafeon (Rapidash has free retreat cost). With a Roserade you should hopefully have a defending pokemon with at least 2 status conditions and be able to do 150 over 2 turns (plus damage from other conditions) which should be able to knock out most pokemon. Another advantage is that it can be a backup attacker against any deck with a lot of Steelix Prime.
I know there are disadvantages to this setup (it's slow, it requires a lot of cards to work perfectly and you would need to pay an energy card to retreat Leafeon the next turn) but I still think at least Leafeon/Roserade could be a fun deck