What do you play with Leafeon to make it successful

houndoom prime and hypno i put in it when i made it but i took it apart because i like my reg deck too much but hypno sleeps houndoom burns both pokepowers :D
It seems ages that I have not look at this thread.

My bad for Vileplume and Rosarade s poke power.

I have a friend who plays a Leafeon deck. She is using Rosarade, Shaymin Celabration (I don t know how to write it) wind with both Lv.X and Leafeon... with a Turtwig GL as a tech. You are going to say: "what!", but it works. The main strategy is to attck with leafeon By attaching the energies to Rosarade. But this is only for a 50 damage plus special condition for one energy for the beginning. After powering up Rosarade, she use Celabration (again) wind to move the energies around, or to do a Revenge kill with Shamin, or rosarade itself, or Turtwig. Therefore, it is not auto loss for her is she is against Steelix. Anyway, there is a lot of ways of playing with it. It only depends on which power, Special condition, tech, you want to focus on.
A version I worked on once was with Vileplume LA instead of Roserade, that way you can also tech in Vileplume UD, and of course Spiritomb. Lots of Seeker to reuse the Rainbow Energy on Vileplumes, plus they make a GREAT backup attacker late game for extra locking when you've run out of Rainbows/Seekers/all of your Leafeons have gone down.
i actually have made this deck and its very good. i have leafeon x leafeon UD and RR. just set up roserade and leafeon x and its smooth sailing from there.....for the most part. its a grass phychic (celebi prime is great in this deck too) so you can put 1 phychic on roserade then use leafeon x ability to put a grass on leafeon UD (leafeon UD is under leafeon x) so he can put them to sleep then next turn just put one grass energy on roserade and one on leafeon x and you can ues leafeon UD attack to do 100 and they are always confused so they have 50 50 chance of even attacking. only problem is when you run out of energies in your hand but i have 4 IQ in the deck to keep energies in my hand.
Yep your right, those things stalk me (I've pulled three). Use Seeker and maybe SSU to reuse the energies on Roserade, then late game Roserade can take a prize or two (if your lucky).
about reusing energies from roserade (useing ssu/seeker), scizorlicous already mentioned unown return, why not use that?

anyone actually try it? is it any good, i could see it being a bummer havin it just taking up space on bench.
Go with something like this:
4-4 Leafeon (maybe 1 Lv X instead)
3-3 Roserade UL
4 Darkrai MD
1-1 Dialga G
1 or 2 Shaymin UD
1 Azelf

4 Seekers

4 Rainbow Energy

Roserade and Leafeon are standard, Darkrai provides more Special Conditions, Dialga is for Steelix and Shaymin moves Energy around (so you dont have to attach more than 2 energies to the same Roserade, you can move them around instead).

Seeker is excellent for reusing Shaymin/Darkrai/even Roserade, or simply to heal.

Unown Return's problem is taking up bench space. Seeker does the same thing and can annoy your opponent; Shaymin does almost the same, but can serve as backup attacker and be leveled up later in game.

If you run Darkrai, you can even tech in 1 Umbreon UD in the deck (using the Rainbows to attack). Like Dialga G, it provides better match ups against several decks. I know this goes against the Special Condition/OHKO theme of the deck, but its an option since you are already running Eevees.
My friend used this deck and beat most everyone. He used Blaziken PL for Burn, Roserade Ul for the double condition's, and Hypno HS for Sleep. This deck is proven to work wonders.
Darkrai MD doesn't work at all if you're using Roserade + Rainbow. A Pokemon can never be affected by more than one of these conditions at the same time: Sleep, Confusion, or Paralysis.
people people your putting in to many types. just roserade and leafeon. blazekin....maybe but thats a stage 2 so he wouldnt always get out.
catutie, in serious competitive play players don't depend on Pokemon types. We depend on Pokemon combos. Usually about half of the Pokemon put into the deck are never attackers. They are just Pokemon that sit on the Bench to use their Power or Poke Body. Running a deck specifically based on types is frowned upon because it loses combos, and just becomes setup and attack. That also makes your deck problematic against anything it is weak against, even if you have another type to counter your weak type. If you also depend on Pokemon types only, you won't be able to use any good techs in competitive play that isn't the main type of your deck. In this case, Blaziken is only a tech, so he's never going to be attacking in Leafeon. Blaziken will only be sitting on the Bench using his Power.

As for running Blaziken, I'd much rather stick with Roserade. While a free burn every turn is nice, it's much slower than running Roserade/Rainbow/Seeker.
ya but if you have leafeon and roserade with grass and phychic energies and at the begining of the match you have 2 torchics in your hand you really cant do anything because you dont have energies for them. i understand that almost all poke in a deck are techs. i do the same thing. heck i run sableye and spiritomb in all of my decks but they dont require energies. and the only legal torchic which is torchic PL needs a fire energy so if you only have grass and phychic energies then you cant do anything until you draw eevee or roselia or someone else. even if you run 3 fir energies you most likly wont have them in your opening hand or will draw them unless you had energy search which actually is pretty good for this deck btw
It's not a waste if you need it to attack. Torchic can work wonders in certain situations depending on how good a flipper you are. I've one-shotted me many a Spiritomb/Sableye, much to my opponents disbelief.
ya but if you jsut dont run it then you dont have to worry about starting with it and getting donked because you dont have a rainbow energy in your opening hand. just run a grass pokemon that can burn a pokemon. on victreebel LA comes to mind but i dont think that its legal.