What do you run?

I run Electrode/Bronzong. I play it because it is fun and since it spreads it makes me feel like I am getting more done.
I am thinking of running 3 decks, by switching draw powers and supporters, the decks are ToxiTank, Dialga G and Infernape 4 Lv.X.
Currently, Darkrai G, and a Rogue fossil deck. The Fossil deck doesn't work as well as Darkrai. T_T

I'm hoping to pull a Mismagius GL LVX at the prerelease. I want to run that.
Currently: Tyranitar, Toxitank, Toolbox, Giratina Starter deck (against the little kids)
Future: Shiftry, Gallade, SP Rouge. Depends on what I get from the Prerelease.

I love SP and Dark Pokemon. I pick them based on my likes, combo, speed, and versatility.

dmaster out.
I play 2 decks.

1) Galactic Toolbox because there are so many options and it's fast.

2) Mightytank because it's quick and effective. Although I want to change this to Toxitank.

Also I love to play fire decks for power and sniping and as you can see sp decks.
I have:

Beautifly + Shaymin (I dunno myself why)

I can make 3 out of those with actual engines, for the other decks I'll need to swap cards, etc. I might also have even more decks, but this is the list from the top of my head. I sadly have no materials for Gengar, Macheap, and GeChamp.
i run kelklion with sp's like lucario and yanmegga so i can power spay those freaking porygon z lvl x's that discard all sp energys in ply :( but it works 4-0 and i just built it friday so yea...

also anphhylock with manetrick (PL) and bronzong, great for shut out, and with sp's lots of spread :)

last i run abomasnow with gastrodon (RR) and nidoking (RR) so that i can spread with obama and reduce 20 of your damage and you take 20 :) then pull up gastro to spread the rest out for game :)
Im playing at the moment:

Toxitank with Alakazam 4 lv X, I hope to play when I get a couple of Dialga G, dialga G and Alakazam 4 lv x that deck is going to be great :)
I'm playing Gallade 4, i would also love to play Lux X and/or Darkrai G, both sound sooooo fun.
I guess Turtwig GL for BR, but I need a deck for my Mom to play...

dmaster out.
Playing 3 decks
Dialga G/Dusknoir (Slow Grinder)
Palka G Power Lock deck (cause its pretty fast and fun)
Ramp/Champ (Donkage)
I'm running Blazetran for BR's and I'm most likely gunna use Blastcatty for worlds.

I'm getting a box of RR at my BR tho, so I might run Flygon if I get the right cards :p
d master342 said:
I guess Turtwig GL for BR, but I need a deck for my Mom to play...

dmaster out.

Is she on a high skill level?
YOUR MOM I mean. (I had to put it somewhere.)
Or is she a...beginner of sorts? No offense.
Nah, she's really decent. She beats the little kids. :] Seriously though, she has a good deck, but no she's not the best player. She can definately play the game though, for sure. She built her own Prerelease deck, and not even the little kid that wins in every match could do that.

dmaster out.