What do you think are the best and most consistent decks in the format?

What is the best deck in the format?

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League Leader - Tournament Organizer - Professor
What is the best and most consistent deck in the format? I think Rai Eggs and Metanite are very consistent.
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
I think I'll choose Metanite & how does the Super Stantler deck works???

Super Stantler works by discarding your opponents trainers with Push Away and confusing their Evolved Pokemon. It also runs Marowak (Ds) for anti-Metal and bench damage, Dewegong (Df) for anti-Delta, Latios Ex (Df) for free retreat and anti-Ex, some run Raichu (Hp) or Scizor Ex (UF).
Anyway, Metanite is easily the most consistent deck in the format.
1: metanite, 2: raiegg

egg is no 2 coz there's an atk named derail out there and a stadium named crystal beach it could easily ruin the deck

BTW, ppl are focusing on Destiny, why are u guys still standing here, talking the fuzz abt super stantler???
I think that Flygon takes one of the top spots. Having played in 3 states over the past two weeks I saw a LOT of Flygon especially among top players. Very strong and very consistent. I didn't see anyone playing FlyJolt, but had more variants like Royalty (Fly/Queen) or just pure Flygon with various techs.

Metanite is still easily one of the best.

I saw a lot more Speed Ban than Bandoom. With Lati-lock being reasonably common folks found other things to do with Banette ex.

Delta / RaiEggs is still pretty popular and a good strong deck ... but it seemed to have trouble with Flygon in the local metagame and so didn't do as well.

Flariados is nasty and I played 2 of them but it just didn't seem up there with Flygon and Metanite.

Muk Man was at NC States last weekend and he and I chatted for a bit. He played a Super Stantler variant but didn't do particulary well that day. Ryan V, was playing Bantler, a Stantler / Banette deck that was just plain mean, but he had some troubles at NC States too. I like SS, especially Ryan's version, though I would classify his as more of a Banette variant. However SS strikes me as an anti-metagame deck and thus almost inherently prone to inconsistency since the metagame changes a bit from event to event.

Only one guy in one of the three events ran MewTric that I’m aware of. Consistent maybe, but probably not one of the BDIF anymore.

Did not see Fusion, StingRay, or any Shiftry decks ... though my wife was going to run a Shiftry ex (cg) one had she been able to attend.

I would put Flygon & Metanite in Tier 1 (voted for Flyjolt since it was the closest). Delta, Boom, & Flariados in Tier 1a ... they are good and have a shot at winning but Flygon and Metanite are usually better.
Metanite and MSN have a tie in consistancy, same number of good starts, practically the same good starters.

And Destiny is also one of the most consistant decks out there, a lot of good starters in that deck I should say.
I don't think there are more than 2, if any, bad starters in Destiny. Ugh.

There's another deck that's not on that list that takes the cake, but I'll let y'all figure that out.

My vote is MetaNite I guess...

Arcanine out.
Arcanine 274 said:
I don't think there are more than 2, if any, bad starters in Destiny.  Ugh.

There's another deck that's not on that list that takes the cake, but I'll let y'all figure that out.

My vote is MetaNite I guess...

Arcanine out.
The worst starter in the deck is mew ex...lol. I really can't say...but since I played flygon at these past 4 states (2 wins and a top 8 finish), I would say flygon is nice. btw, it was flygon with massive techs.
Metanite is by far the most consistant deck in format right now. The main core of the deck is small enough to tech it for just about anything if you know what you are up against. Fast setups, lots of search by the main attacker in the deck, energy acceleration from the secondary attacker/staller, the Holon engine, and Castform Delta Draw puts this over the top in my opinion. Another thing that makes Metanite shine is that you KNOW going in you will see this deck, so you metagame against it in whatever deck you are playing, and you can still easily loose to the deck.

A deck that I think is missing from the poll is Salamence variants (most notably SallyGross and Flymence) because they set up well, hit very hard, and hold some of the same characteristics that Metanite does, just a little more aggressively.
I forgot about a few decks when I put up the pole. Feel free to put down whatever deck you think is the most consistent. What is the Destiny deck?
Destiny is certainly the most consistent deck out there. It MAY even be the best considering you can pretty much outplay any of the top decks with it.
I've read everything on Pokegym about it, but I still have no idea what Destiny is. Why won't anyone just come out and say what is in it??!!
isnt there's a thread named :flying eevol and destiny, what are they?

the thread have some info there.

BTW, check out states reports, u'll probably find destiny's matchups!