What do you think are the best and most consistent decks in the format?

What is the best deck in the format?

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After State Championships here are the top 6 decks the won the most tournaments.
1. Flygon ex d/Flygon d/? (8)
2. Metanite (6)
3. MSNBC (5)
4. RaiEggs (4)
5. Banette ex/ ? (3)
6. Destiny (3)

These six decks seem to be the most consistent decks around. I'm betting on seeing a load of Flygon ex decks at Regional Championships.
freakysmiley said:
yes flygon is good but 15 plus basics is a little much
How is t1 delta draw for 5 ever bad??? My new list has 17 basics, all of which but 2 are good/playable starters.