XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

I don't really see why you all think Fennekin could be psychic type. What do Fennecs do? Burry themselves in sand. If Fennekin has a dual type, it is ground because guess what, it makes sense xD.
Chespin: Great design, confindent, Bada$$, and leaf hat, Definetly my starter.

Fennekin: I seriously hate this design, why does everyone like it?

Froakie: Pretty cool, I like it.
Chespin looks just...odd. It looks more like a fakemon that a pokemon.
Froakie's kinda meh.
I like Fennekin, though.
I really don't get it, a lot of people dislike Froakie because it's a frog? Seriously? There's only few frogs in pokeworld, the poliwrath line is based on tadpoles, not frogs (They don't even have a mouth or stand on four legs!) The seismitoad line are based on tadpoles and toads. There is only one water frog pokemon which is Politoed. (Though, it doesn't feel like it's based on a frog because it's bipedal and short arms/legs)

I don't see many people complaining about the normal/flying birds in every generation. >.>

I like Froakie the most. This is what I'm predicting:

Final evolution of Froakie is Water/Electric

Final evolution of Chespin is Grass/Dark

Final evolution of Fennekin is Fire/Pyschic

Like them so far.
So IMO the attack Chespin uses on Golurk is either Metal Claw or Aerial Ace, due to it making a neutral hit sound.
Gen I: Grass/Poison, Fire/Flying, Water
Gen II: Grass, Fire, Water
Gen III: Grass, Fire/Fighting, Water/Ground
Gen IV: Grass/Ground, Fire/Fighting, Water/Steel
Gen V: Grass, Fire/Fighting, Water

I think it's a longshot that all 3 of them get alternate typings considering it's only happened once. Of the 3, based on their first evo, Froakie looks, to me, the least likely to pick up a secondary typing. I think the Fire/Psychic case for Fennekin is a strong one and would frankly be awesome.

I'm not sure what Chespin might becomes because, of the 3 starters, he has the most opportunity for change over his evolutions. I mean I really could see him becoming so many different things.

Froakie certainly could pick up an alternate typing (Ice as others have mentioned seems perfectly plausible), but he looks pretty run-of-the-mill Water to me, in his current form.

One final note is, even though I think Fennekin is the strongest lock for an secondary typing, the Fire starters have been gifted with secondary typings most. Only Typhlosion remained pure Fire.
I would absolutely love it if the starters looked like this for their final evolutions.
Just awesome.
I can totally see chespin evolving into a sloth.
Chespin- I dont like this one. Whats it even suppose to be?
Fennekin- Love it reminds me so much of Flareon and Flareon is a boss
Froakie- I like this one alot to. This frog seems more realistic than other ones.
Im probaply gonna pick Fennekin, but Ill pick Froakie if I like the Stage 2 better.
BassoonBro said:
I would absolutely love it if the starters looked like this for their final evolutions.
Just awesome.
I can totally see chespin evolving into a sloth.

Fennekin finalevo (according to pic: Like luxray.

Chespin final evolution from pic: Excadrill

Froakie final evolution: Like thundures
I personally think that Chespin looks the least likely for Secondary typing and Fennekin and Froakie look like they both might get Secondary types.
don()shinobi said:
Chespin: Grass/Dark (Grass beats Froakie, Dark beats Fennekin)
Fennekin: Fire/Psychic (Fire beats Chespin, Psychic beast Froakie)
Froakie: Water/Fighting (Water beats Fennekin, Fighting beats Chespin)

Hahaha, that's be a pairing for the ages. People have wanted Dark/Psychic/Fighting starters since Gen III.
Really sick of all this Chespin hate. Mark my words when Chespin turns out to evovle into a sick Stage 2 all of you will grovel at it's feet. It's a Chipmunk-Mole-Hedgehog with a Chestnut hat what's to hate? I swear sometimes it feels like Pokemon fans are stuck between Nostalgia-holics who hate any gen besides 1-2 and maybe 3 and Pre-Gen haters who always gripe about how the last generation sucked (whichever gen it was). I remember people were mad hating on Gen 2, then Gen 3, but now with B/W/BW2 the level of negativity has reached an all time high. My honest truth? I like all the starters. Do I think Fennekin draws similarities between other Pokemon? Yes. Do I like Froakie? Yes, he reminds me if a Shiny Politoed had a child it would be a Froakie. What gets me is people acknowledge some similarities to other Pokemon in Fennekin and love it yet they hate Chespin for allegedly being a "Grass type Oshawott". Fennekin is a fox we get it, it's cute, Ok get over yourselves.
I LOVE all the Pokemon shown. I feel these are the best starters since Gen 2 (Since every gen after I usually hated one of the starters...). I feel all three starters are unique and interesting. Chespin, as stated numerous times is the first non reptilian grass type starter. I don't think Chespin looks anything like Oshawott, and that out of all of them might have the greatest potential. Fennekin, my favorite of them, is pretty interesting. I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Fennekin kind of looks like Keaton from the Legend of Zelda games... Replace the red with white, lose the ear tufts, close it's eyes and... VOILA! He kind looks like Keaton! He's the same shade of yellow and has those stripe markings on his head too... Froakie is awesome. I love how cute he is. He's the first frog Pokemon I've liked right off the bat. I could see him having the sub types of Fighting, Electric or Flying. Back to the Zelda thing, they all make me think of Zelda in one way or another... Fennekin kind of looks like Keaton, Froakie kind of looks like the wind god in Wind Waker, and Chespin vaguely makes me think of Link because of the green hat and the grass typing...
So since Chespin is a grass starter I tried to analyze it further, my guess, being based off of Western Europe. Chespin MAY be likely from the European Hedgehog (Which uses it's claws to dig Dens. Perhaps a justification for Ground 2ndary typing?). But also it may be based off of Southern white-breasted Hedgehog which interestingly isn't a den digger it likes grass nests in hidden areas. Cool right? They also grow Chestnuts in France mainly in Lyons. Although that could be entirely coincidental/circumstantial at best. It is also worth noting however Hedgehogs are omnivores but mostly stick to eating insects. So who knows? I'd like to see Chespin with a Fighting secondary typing. Hopefully Pokemon can shed more light on Chespin and all that starter Pokemon's specific origins.
Aquapulse said:
I really don't get it, a lot of people dislike Froakie because it's a frog? Seriously? There's only few frogs in pokeworld, the poliwrath line is based on tadpoles, not frogs (They don't even have a mouth or stand on four legs!) The seismitoad line are based on tadpoles and toads. There is only one water frog pokemon which is Politoed. (Though, it doesn't feel like it's based on a frog because it's bipedal and short arms/legs)

I don't see many people complaining about the normal/flying birds in every generation. >.>

False, I do see many people (just not on pokebeach) complain that the only just flying type is Tornadus. As for Froakie, I can see how some people like it, in a sense. But personally, I think it's a little worse than the Jotoh starters, and I don't like the Jotoh starters hardly at all. But this is all 100% opinion, and I respect that you like Froakie.
Chespin please have good stats! Please have good stats! And a good TYPING! Poor Torterra was cursed with slowness and 4x weakness to ice </3
Serperior was cursed with poor offensive stats (not counting dw ability of course)!
Please, be different this time!
This is the first time since Johto where I have loved all 3 starters. I like Froakie the best. He just looks so silly and cute. Chespin look really friggin' happy too which just makes me like him. XD
I LOVE these designs. (Learned how to post an image). What do you guys think?

Froakie is the best. I've seen so many avatars of him today I'm actually having to read the usernames of users'.