XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

Gee guys. In context, what he meant makes perfect sense. Stop putting it in your sigs like it was a big deal. If you name one OU mon that has STAB on Blizzard...
Delta Nite said:
Gee guys. In context, what he meant makes perfect sense. Stop putting it in your sigs like it was a big deal. If you name one OU mon that has STAB on Blizzard...

Cloyster, Mamoswine, Kyurem-B. They all have STAB on Blizzard.
Thought of it yesterday, just remembered it again; Gorebyss learns Psychic..

And it is not Psychic-typed for those who do not know..
jynxed said:
Delta Nite said:
Gee guys. In context, what he meant makes perfect sense. Stop putting it in your sigs like it was a big deal. If you name one OU mon that has STAB on Blizzard...

Cloyster, Mamoswine, Kyurem-B. They all have STAB on Blizzard.

If you actually use Blizzard on any of those Pokemon, then I'm not sure you fully understand competitive battling. Having STAB on Blizzard and actually using it are two different things, if that was what Mitja was indeed hinting at.
Some Loser said:
jynxed said:
Cloyster, Mamoswine, Kyurem-B. They all have STAB on Blizzard.

If you actually use Blizzard on any of those Pokemon, then I'm not sure you fully understand competitive battling.

He asked to name one OU Pokémon that had STAB on Blizzard. It had nothing to do with viability.
The only time you would ever use Blizzard competitively is on a Hail team or in VGC.
I edited my post. I believe the question was actually how often Blizzard was used as an Ice STAB or even used at all, but was oddly worded. If that wasn't the issue, then please carry on.
I don't want to take sides here, but in jynxed's defense, the question was:
"What pokemon has STAB on Blizzard?"
Now, the correct answer would be:
"Every Ice type pokemon." Which has been stated before.
If the question was:
"What viable OU pokemon has STAB on Blizzard?"
The correct answer would be:
"No one."

Again, just pointing this out.

Anyway, back on topic:
I'm starting to wonder if Fennekin could just be fire type.
Ninetales, another fire type fox, learns a variety of psychic type moves, and is pure fire type. Psyshock and Extrasensory are just two of them. So Fennekin could be using a move other than Psywave, and share this trait with Ninetales.
Zoroark, the other fox pokemon, also learns Extrasensory. But idk if that would actually count since lots of non-psychic types also learn it.
I like the Fire and the Water starter designs, but I'm not a big fan of the Grass starter design
So, there was a post on 2chan about some information about the starters' evolutions types, along with some other info about 2 days ago. Someone managed to translate it. I'd be so happy if this was real.
TheAmazingDerpfish said:
So, there was a post on 2chan about some information about the starters' evolutions types, along with some other info about 2 days ago. Someone managed to translate it. I'd be so happy if this was real.

That sounds a lot from something that a fan would like/make. I would like if that was true, though.
I've always chosen a fire starter Pokemon, and I'm not going to stop doing so Fenniken it is! :)
I love Froakie and Chespin the most. They're so cute! ^.^
Personally though, I think that Fennekin's overrated. I just don't see the appeal of it. Oh, and $20 says Fire/Fighting. :)
$38.12 pure fire.

No but I don't like Fennekin. Looks like Zorua puffed up its ears and got into some orange and red paint.

Froak4lyf. Also if Froak is Water/Fighting I will hate it too.

Seriously, just make it Water/poison. We all want it.

I don't want a mini-Keldeo/Poliwrath.
I love all the starters! They're so flippin adorable!!! I could just hug them all! But I'm probably going to start with Fenniken.