XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

sohrin305 said:
So I know this keeps on being mentioned but, I just wanna talk about the American names.

Quilladin and chespin both have the -in at the end. But Quilladin sounds even more like the word Paladin, which really REALLY fits the theory of the medieval archetypal characters. Paladin being the the armored knight.

Braixen is, to me, a combination of Vixen- female fox, and branch, which is where it gets it psychic abilities from. This is common of the archetypal spellcaster class. Perhaps the stick will be a staff in Fennekin's final evolution

Lastly is Froakie and Frogadier. Of course they both have the term Frog in them. But Frogadier kind of reminds me of a vigilante. Like a musketeer. However, I cannot think of a suffix word to derive this theory from the name.

Overall though, you can see that we have all three archetypal medieval characters, the warrior/paladin, spell caster/witch and the rogue/thief.

You should know that musketeers were french military. They weren't vigilanties. Brigadier, would be what you are looking for
xayshade said:
sohrin305 said:
So I know this keeps on being mentioned but, I just wanna talk about the American names.

Quilladin and chespin both have the -in at the end. But Quilladin sounds even more like the word Paladin, which really REALLY fits the theory of the medieval archetypal characters. Paladin being the the armored knight.

Braixen is, to me, a combination of Vixen- female fox, and branch, which is where it gets it psychic abilities from. This is common of the archetypal spellcaster class. Perhaps the stick will be a staff in Fennekin's final evolution

Lastly is Froakie and Frogadier. Of course they both have the term Frog in them. But Frogadier kind of reminds me of a vigilante. Like a musketeer. However, I cannot think of a suffix word to derive this theory from the name.

Overall though, you can see that we have all three archetypal medieval characters, the warrior/paladin, spell caster/witch and the rogue/thief.

You should know that musketeers were french military. They weren't vigilanties. Brigadier, would be what you are looking for
This guy gets it you shouldn't believe what you see in disney movies.
xayshade said:
sohrin305 said:
So I know this keeps on being mentioned but, I just wanna talk about the American names.

Quilladin and chespin both have the -in at the end. But Quilladin sounds even more like the word Paladin, which really REALLY fits the theory of the medieval archetypal characters. Paladin being the the armored knight.

Braixen is, to me, a combination of Vixen- female fox, and branch, which is where it gets it psychic abilities from. This is common of the archetypal spellcaster class. Perhaps the stick will be a staff in Fennekin's final evolution

Lastly is Froakie and Frogadier. Of course they both have the term Frog in them. But Frogadier kind of reminds me of a vigilante. Like a musketeer. However, I cannot think of a suffix word to derive this theory from the name.

Overall though, you can see that we have all three archetypal medieval characters, the warrior/paladin, spell caster/witch and the rogue/thief.

You should know that musketeers were french military. They weren't vigilanties. Brigadier, would be what you are looking for
That was the word I guess I was looking for. Please excuse my lack of knowledge on French history. However, we have witch, paladin and brigadier.
sohrin305 said:
xayshade said:
You should know that musketeers were french military. They weren't vigilanties. Brigadier, would be what you are looking for
That was the word I guess I was looking for. Please excuse my lack of knowledge on French history. However, we have witch, paladin and brigadier.

Or y'know grenadier given they said he throws rocks covered in bubbles at enemies. With the add fact grenouille is french for frog. (even though the two words are pronounced different)
So, still picking Chespin. Im hoping that, or rather, I KNOW its going to end up something awesome. Derpy starters always evolve into something rad (Mudkip *shot*, Prinplup *stabbed*, Pignite... safe.) and Im seriously hoping that he takes on full RPG status as a Paladin/Knight- High as hell HP, Attack, and Defenses.

Frogidier is kind of a ridiculous name IMO, and Im not exactly positive what a brigadier is- other than a title for a general in the US military. Design wise I like it though....

I dont care for Braixen (is it Brai "sh" en or Brai Xen as in Vixen?), the twig staff is a nice touch though, but it looks way too out of place design wise.

Im seriously getting a strange feeling that... the secondary typings arent going to turn out the way that the leaker said they would (aside from the fact the leaker played a BETA). A Grass knight should have STEEL, a frog ninja should have Dark (maybe Fighting still), and with Braixen taking on the witch/mage them, Im almost leaning towards it being part Fairy instead of Psychic. Fairy isnt an OP type really, and we would actually still have a reverse triangle if the types ended up Grass/Steel- Fire/Fairy- Water/Fighting. Just my two cents.
NoDice said:
I dont care for Braixen (is it Brai "sh" en or Brai Xen as in Vixen?), the twig staff is a nice touch though, but it looks way too out of place design wise.

Although I had first pronounced it "Bryx-en" I did a little bit of digging and realized it may be a bit of a play on the word Brazen, meaning either bold, Trim and stylish in appearance, or the color of brass.
Although she is a light yellow I'd have to go with one of the first two options. Making the pronunciation "Brayz-in". As for the spelling it could be Brazen and vixen shoved together into one word. It's just an idea, I could be wrong, but figured I'd throw it out there anyways.
NoDice said:
Im seriously getting a strange feeling that... the secondary typings arent going to turn out the way that the leaker said they would (aside from the fact the leaker played a BETA). A Grass knight should have STEEL, a frog ninja should have Dark (maybe Fighting still), and with Braixen taking on the witch/mage them, Im almost leaning towards it being part Fairy instead of Psychic. Fairy isnt an OP type really, and we would actually still have a reverse triangle if the types ended up Grass/Steel- Fire/Fairy- Water/Fighting. Just my two cents.

I've been thinking that as well.
Not only do the potential themes seem off, but a Fire/Psychic, Grass/Dark and Water/Fighting triangle/reverse triangle was one of the most speculated things about them - it was actually the only thing I thought the leaker might've been wrong about.

For me, Quilladin seems like the Pokemon least likely to turn into a Dark type - not due to it's appearance, but it's entry.
"Despite its prickly appearance, Quilladin is considered a gentle Pokémon that avoids battle."
That seems way off for a Pokemon thats supposed to be turning part Dark. They could pull a complete turn and have it part Dark, with something like 'This Pokemon searches for all the Pokemon that attacked it before it had evolved and punishes them relentlessly', but at the moment Grass/Steel, Grass/Rock and Grass/Ground seem like types that it could become more easily than anything.
I can even see Grass/Poison more easily than Grass/Dark lol.

with the other starters:
Frogadier I can see becoming Water/Fighting or Water/Dark - those would be the types best suited for a frog ninja.
Its name could imply it becoming part Fighting as well - brigadier is a senior military rank.
I would go hyper if it became Water/Electric, but that seems to be quite unlikely :(
(I still want it to be Water/Fighting, since that fits really well with the rest of my X team, and I hate repeating types)

Braixen is probably gonna be Fire/Psychic - it was revealed to know Psycho Cut, a move hardly known by anything other than Psychic types, as well as it having Psychic and Psybeam.
Fire/Fairy would be very nice tho, with its mage/witch theme.

and just being nitpicky, but Grass/Steel, Fire/Fairy and Water/Fighting wouldn't make a full balanced triangle - Braixen's Fire typing would neutralize the Steel weakness from Quilladin.
I think the best thing about Braixen is that it wields the branch in battle and lights it on fire in battle.
I always prefer the Grass one, but this time... It's horrible :/ I'll wait for the second stages to decide. At the moment the most beautiful 1st is Fennekin and the most beautiful 2nd is Frogardier
MuhFugginMoose said:
NoDice said:
I dont care for Braixen (is it Brai "sh" en or Brai Xen as in Vixen?), the twig staff is a nice touch though, but it looks way too out of place design wise.

Although I had first pronounced it "Bryx-en" I did a little bit of digging and realized it may be a bit of a play on the word Brazen, meaning either bold, Trim and stylish in appearance, or the color of brass.
Although she is a light yellow I'd have to go with one of the first two options. Making the pronunciation "Brayz-in". As for the spelling it could be Brazen and vixen shoved together into one word. It's just an idea, I could be wrong, but figured I'd throw it out there anyways.

It's Braise and Vixen.


[ brayz ]

1.cook food on low heat: to cook food, especially meat or vegetables, by browning briefly in hot fat, adding a little liquid, and cooking at a low temperature in a covered pot

Bonus points because "braise" is French term. Anyway I love Braixen. Quilladin is derpy but I kind of like it. Frogadier is kind of unnoticeable to me...it's there I guess.
Guys why don't we just assume he lied when he told us he meant fire/psychic, grass/dark, water/fighting, instead of the dark and fighting types the opposite way to cover his butt.
Fee said:
MuhFugginMoose said:
Although I had first pronounced it "Bryx-en" I did a little bit of digging and realized it may be a bit of a play on the word Brazen, meaning either bold, Trim and stylish in appearance, or the color of brass.
Although she is a light yellow I'd have to go with one of the first two options. Making the pronunciation "Brayz-in". As for the spelling it could be Brazen and vixen shoved together into one word. It's just an idea, I could be wrong, but figured I'd throw it out there anyways.

It's Braise and Vixen.


[ brayz ]

1.cook food on low heat: to cook food, especially meat or vegetables, by browning briefly in hot fat, adding a little liquid, and cooking at a low temperature in a covered pot

Bonus points because "braise" is French term. Anyway I love Braixen. Quilladin is derpy but I kind of like it. Frogadier is kind of unnoticeable to me...it's there I guess.

Thanks for pointing that out, I totally forgot about braising lol (dont cook very much)- I was for some reason thinking brazen, but the "i" definitely proves youre correct.
NoDice said:
Fee said:
It's Braise and Vixen.


[ brayz ]

1.cook food on low heat: to cook food, especially meat or vegetables, by browning briefly in hot fat, adding a little liquid, and cooking at a low temperature in a covered pot

Bonus points because "braise" is French term. Anyway I love Braixen. Quilladin is derpy but I kind of like it. Frogadier is kind of unnoticeable to me...it's there I guess.

Thanks for pointing that out, I totally forgot about braising lol (dont cook very much)- I was for some reason thinking brazen, but the "i" definitely proves youre correct.

I got it from somewhere else too though. I would have never thought of either word.
zappy800 said:
Guys why don't we just assume helied when he told us he meant fire/psychic, grass/dark, water/fighting, instead of the dark and fighting types the opposite way to cover his butt.

I could completely see that, especially if chespin becomes a knight and froakie becomes a ninja.
Chespin could be a Dark Knight.
Fenniken could be Wizard Fox.
Froakie could be a Ninja.

That would explain the typings: Grass/Dark, Fire/Physic, and Water/Fighting.
zappy800 said:
Guys why don't we just assume helied when he told us he meant fire/psychic, grass/dark, water/fighting, instead of the dark and fighting types the opposite way to cover his butt.
Seeing the way the 2nd stage evos look now, this would make a lot of sense...but the last time we thought the leaker was mistaken, it was us who had it wrong. We thought the 2nd Mewtwo Mega Evo he mentioned was Mega Mew, but there really was a 2nd Mewtwo Mega Evo!
Tatertot said:
zappy800 said:
Guys why don't we just assume helied when he told us he meant fire/psychic, grass/dark, water/fighting, instead of the dark and fighting types the opposite way to cover his butt.
Seeing the way the 2nd stage evos look now, this would make a lot of sense...but the last time we thought the leaker was mistaken, it was us who had it wrong. We thought the 2nd Mewtwo Mega Evo he mentioned was Mega Mew, but there really was a 2nd Mewtwo Mega Evo!

Yeah I sadly was part of that group but the purpose of my post was so people actually considered the leaks. Plus I feel rock/gras is dumb because only rollout hints at it which is learned only since it is round. Just to clarify good post.
grassdragon said:
Chespin could be a Dark Knight.
Fenniken could be Wizard Fox.
Froakie could be a Ninja.

That would explain the typings: Grass/Dark, Fire/Physic, and Water/Fighting.

Except it does not fit. Fighting types are heroes who fight honorably. Since when do ninjas fight that way? No. They are all about secrecy and fighting from the shadows. Which makes Dark a more appropriate type if Frogadier is indeed a Ninja-frog.
Ysmir said:
grassdragon said:
Chespin could be a Dark Knight.
Fenniken could be Wizard Fox.
Froakie could be a Ninja.

That would explain the typings: Grass/Dark, Fire/Physic, and Water/Fighting.

Except it does not fit. Fighting types are heroes who fight honorably. Since when do ninjas fight that way? No. They are all about secrecy and fighting from the shadows. Which makes Dark a more appropriate type if Frogadier is indeed a Ninja-frog.

Look at my last post on this thread it makes (chespin=Palladin fennekin=witch froakie=ninja) what they are based on work.