now we have penguins, skunks, hippos, pixies etc on the sinnoh region .....what animals, inanimate objects, myth icons and anything else would you like to suggest for the upcoming generationssss.....what animals are still missing?
Well they aready have rhinos(Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior.) I think they should have a peacock. Do they already have those . also platypus. They would be fun
I want an Metal/Electric, Metal/Fire, or Fire/Electric toaster. Any of those type combos would do. Just because I mean, come on, a fighting toaster? How sweet would THAT be?
A fighting toaster would be awesome. The could also make some repeats of old pokemon like spheal. I think it would be cool if they had a ditto that could morph into non-pokemon like cannons (the first ditto episode).
Alpha mean beginning
Omega means ending.
Well in the bible it says that. dont coment on the bible thing. I dont want to start controversys on this site
Pumpkin Pokemon- Grass/ Dark type w/ Ghost type attributes
Kangaroo Pokemon- Fighting/ Dark Pokemon
Dream Pokemon- Psychic/ Ghost, one with Nightmarish attributes and one with good dream attributes
All the ideas mentioned sound pretty good. I've seen many fan creations of these kinds of animals. The best by far is MagesPages series of fake Pokemon. If you want to check them out, he has them on deviantart.