What freaks you out?

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spiders not being able to breath.
the second one is kind of applies to most people but even if its only for a few seconds it is like the worst thing in the world.
Bugs, Spiders, animal dissection, death, heights, planes, nursing homes, old people in nursing homes, and strangers. Oh yeah, also terrorists.
Normal people. No, I'm serious, not joking or exaggerating.

Why are people scared of needles? That doesn't make any sense.
It's hard to understand what you can't feel. :(

I just can't stand them...and a lot of people who I tell are real jerks start making fun of it...provoking the fear...it REALLY sucks. Shots are a nightmare.

I managed to avoid getting a Flu Shot this year, and I haven't been affected yet.
The Fallen One said:
It's hard to understand what you can't feel. :(

I just can't stand them...and a lot of people who I tell are real jerks start making fun of it...provoking the fear...it REALLY sucks. Shots are a nightmare.

I'm not trying to make fun of anyone, I just thought it was odd.
Vergere said:
Normal people. No, I'm serious, not joking or exaggerating.

Why are people scared of needles? That doesn't make any sense.

Just a childhood fear that sometimes stays with us. Any surgical instruments scare me actually.

dmaster out.
I absolutely hate needles. I can't stand the thought of seeing a needle going in me or someone else. *shudders* I also have an irrational fear of bees/wasps. Other than that, I'm fairly normal ;)
Well besides the inner workings of my mind, the people at my other forum there is also this
Probably your mother.

Naww, Probably the idea of loosing a loved one, I dont get " freaked out "

oh and films. Horrors, cept the ones are supposed to be scary. XD
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