I beat The Imprisoned on the third time BY A FEW SECONDS! I accidentally ran to the save point, and then I ran back, accidentally ran out of energy, and thought I had to bomb the blocks guarding the bomb Groose uses to fire at The Imprisoned, so I wasted more time there. Luckily the shot where Groose fires you beats him. I hope I never have to do that again lol. Right now I'm after the last part of the song you need to get for the Triforce in the Lanaryu Desert, but I took a break and went for the Goddess Cubes I missed in Faron Woods. I thought you needed to jump off of the big tree to get onto a platform you can't otherwise get onto, but only when I hit the cube did I realize the Clawshot spot XD Oh, and I also glitched to get one. I knew for sure you had to jump off the tree for it, and I barely missed, but was able to run up to it before sliding down