What If Fisherman got reprinted?

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
One of my friends was telling me that If PUI decided to reprint Fisherman from Skyridge in the new current sets that it could kill the TCG. Most people would probably run it over Night Maintenance If it was in Modified and that it could be beastly with Shaymin Lv. X (Land Forme).

Play Fisherman, get 4 Grass Energies back from your Discard Pile into your hand then use Seed Flare with Shaymin X to attach up 4 Grass energies to your Pokemon to deal 120 damage with Shaymin X. Yay!
IDK about that, that's a little Farfetch'd, if you ask me. Even if they reprinted it, Shaymin LVX would be beatable. Everyone would just start running Blaziken.
Exactly, the metagame is shifting all the time. If one deck gets a godly combo, we will counter it, and the deck that was once played will no longer be played!
PokeChamp said:
Exactly, the metagame is shifting all the time. If one deck gets a godly combo, we will counter it, and the deck that was once played will no longer be played!

While I agree on the first point, I don't agree with you on the second. You can't always find grand counters to a combo quickly. GG/PLOX domination from last season (Until Empozong came along, which was 2 sets later) proves that point. Even then, all the decks will still be played to due to the meta-shift. Shaymin decks will rise, then Fire, then Water, which will cause a response by Shaymin. A deck will experience changes in popularity during a format, but until a set comes out, it will remain in whatever Tier it was in.

Anyway, on topic, I could see a copy or two of Fisherman popping up in Shaymin decks, if it ever got reprinted.
Shaymin is way too fragile to be a main attacker anyway. It sweeps for a few turns, but that 100 hp will easily be its downfall. And not to mention that you have attach three whole energies (or two with a Sceptile GE) to actually get it working.
Well, I think we can all agree that Shaymin can't be on its own, but it still can dish out major damage and help power-up someone else (hi there Leafeon) on the Bench. Fisherman lets it get to deal major damage and Power-Up other Pokes quicker.
For a moment, I was wondering why you suggested Leafeon and not your favorite Pokemon.

The only drawback is that you need a few Felicities and then a Fisherman to scoop them back up. The setup takes three turns at the very least. Powerful, yes. Fast, not really.
Because Yanmega isn't released yet, and Leafeon was the first example on the top of my head. (Don't care if that comment is striked.

Anyway, the discarding is going to be the hardest part about it. Maybe the player could play Bronzong MT for draw-power over Claydol/Uxie, so they can get energies in the discard more quicker...
I doubt it. Bronzong MT was a rather slow engine when it was tried. It wastes bench space, IMO.
That's why I said maybe.

I would personally rather play Blissey PT to discard energies over Bronzong. That 20 damage heal could end up netting Shaymin/Leafeon an extra turn. And as we all know, another of dealing with Leafeon isn't fun at all.

Either way, this combo isn't going to work in early game. However, it could be used quite effectively after a Leafeon/other main attacker dies. Soak up the energies that your main attacker took when it got KO'd.
And that's why I said "I doubt it."

Blissey PT seems practical. Our grass deck could use the healing, but I am worried about the slow Early-game, since the metagame is currently so fast.
I <3 Blissey PT. I run it my Kingdra deck, and it really annoys those decks that try to hit 130 in 2 turns. I could see some similiar results with this deck.

Getting going is the bad part. Though I could see something like:

T1: Start with Eevee, call for Eevee and Shaymin
T2: Evolve the Active Eevee (or the Benched one, if the Active died) to Leafeon, attach energy. Get a Baltoy/Uxie.
T3: Evolve to Claydol if you play it. Level-Up the Active Leafeon. Attach another energy. Deal 70/90 damage, IIRC.

Yeah, its very vuanerable (sp?) to donk decks like Rampy, but after the first couple of turns I could see this deck catching up to the donk decks.
I think that soon a combo will come along and do away with donk decks, so I am just preparing for that day.
Well, that's unlikely to happen before this season ends. Donk decks have no powerful counters in BET either, so you'll have to wait for the future sets.
I'm not even sure if there is a 100% surefire way to counter donk decks.....I guess the only way to get around them is to get set-up as quickly as possible and avoid lone starts.

Though that isn't a 100% surefire way.

Anyway, if donk decks did disappear, Leafeon/Shaymin with Fisherman could be a powerful force in the format. Though donk isn't likely to disappear for a while.
Leafmin/Yanmega also has problems in speed vs the common T2 decks also. Even if it's just one turn short, you will face more casualties early-game and will have to play catch-up anyhow.

I just don't think that this deck is fast enough.
Well, that would only be with Fisherman. Otherwise, you could still get a lot of energy in hand to attach quite easily. If I put in 15 Grass Energy, odds are I'll get 2 in my opening hand. If I can get a Roseanne or an early Uxie/Claydol, I could easily get 5 or 6 Grass Energy in my hand quickly. If I can get even an energy in the discard (with Yanmega) Yanmega has the ability to deal 100 damage if I can get 6 energy in the hand. (3 go to Shaymin, of course.)

Yanmega/Shaymin is kind of like Rhycatty: Slow, but is very powerful later on.

So, I guess the final verdict for Fisherman: It wouldn't make a big impact if it was reprinted.
Donk decks really screwed up this game.

Sorry for what was a one line post, but I honestly believe there isn't much more to say about this subject. I mean We've all been donked, and really it's not fun to be on either end of it. When your donked you don't get to play. When your donking, well.. I still didn't find it any fun to play ramp, I just sat there 80, 80, 80, 80 GG. No thinking or anything. It's not hard to say hmmm.... u have only 40 left? I guss i'll do the bottom attack... OMG! WOW... Bring back combo/setup decks. Stop releasing cards like mespirit and cessation, and stop making decks like plox possible. that's my opinion anywayz...
Zyflair said:
For a moment, I was wondering why you suggested Leafeon and not your favorite Pokemon.

The only drawback is that you need a few Felicities and then a Fisherman to scoop them back up. The setup takes three turns at the very least. Powerful, yes. Fast, not really.


fisherman gets them back to your hand, it wouldn't help to discard the jus so you can get the back...