What If Fisherman got reprinted?

Psshh... I read the card already. I'm saying that Felicity's is a better draw supporter with Fisherman since you normally don't have four energies in your discard in the early game.
Fisherman is only useful in late game, or right after a Shaymin LV. X died. Use Fisherman to scoop up 3 Energies from the dead Shaymin, and then attach them using another Shaymin LV. X. Viola, now you just did at least 100 damage to the Defending Pokemon, and Yanmega can do at least 80 next turn. (more than likely it will be higher than that)
I'm just throwing something out here, but what about Floatzel GL Lv. X with Fisherman? If I remember correctly, its second attack, for 2 Water, does 20 times the amount of Energy cards in your hand, ad Fisherman instantly adds 80 to that amount.
Floatzel doesnt need That card it has Bronzong. . . and Fishermen is kidna useless in thsi format cause for some reason everyone wants thier cards discarded. . .
Heh, combining Bronzong's Cycler and Fisherman on the same turn would be an extra 120 damage. Sounds pretty awesome.
So, it actually looks like Fisherman could be useful in a deck, after all.

A good tech for a Floatzel/Bronzong/Fisherman deck would be Blissey PT. It allows you to discard some Energy from your hand, letting you pick it back up with Fisherman. Not to mention the 20 heal.
20 heal for such a weak Pokemon is pretty awesome. I completely miss Juggler and Fisherman to be honest. Messing around with energies for your purposes are cool.
Yeah, and with Bronzong, you still will be dealing 20 damage more each turn, even if you discard an energy.

Here's what I got:

3-1 Floatzel GL
2-2 Bronzong
2-1 Uxie
1-1 Blissey

= 13

3 Fisherman

LOTS of space for more trainers and energy.
I'm debating the use of Claydol though. Since Floatzel GL LV.X removes your hand quickly, Claydol may work.

P.S. I'm trying to talk to you on Hamachi.