Pokemon What If Pokemon Were Real?


Aspiring Trainer
I wonder how life would be to have your own pokemon.
Pokemon is awesome if they were real my #1 dream would be to be the best pokemon trainer ever.
What would you do if pokemon were real?
Well i think it alot of peoples thougts are here But i dont think anyone can know unless it happens. There are always kinks. But i think it would be AWSOME! Pokemon must be smarter then animals to take commands so that would help!
I would first go to the beach and find and catch a Staryu. Then I'd evolve it, TM it, and have it as my companion!
If Pokémon were just discovered... I'll take Electric Pokémon to give infinite energy, Water Pokémon to stop droughts, Grass to regrow stuff, Suicune to purify water, etc. And in the meantime trying to stop them for being oppressed into going soldiers in some war. Muk to eat trash... though, most sports would be eliminated in favor of watching four-armed Pokémon duke it out. Now, I wonder how to make the Ozone layer replenish itself...

If they were around the whole time we needn't worry about these stupid things.
I'd train my favorite Pokémon then basicly take over the town because I always get in trouble here.
Then I want to find a Master Ball, and catch a Rayquaza or Palkia, then together we will rule the world !!! WORLD DOMINATION !!!

No, I'm just kidding. I want to use Rayquaza to scare bullies, so all of them back off !
Let's see...With all the poison Pokémon, the earth would get severley polluted, the ozone layer would deteriorated, and with all the extra heat the Fire Pokémon are already giving off on the earth, the world would burn up and all Humans would be destroyed.

And if that doesn't happen, I'm sure some terrorist would stop at nothing to get some almighty legendary Pokémon, like in the show. Only since this is real life, he'd likely succeed, and we'd all be under control of some evil dictator.

And even if nothing bad happened, last I checked we're hundreds of years away from making something as technological as a Pokéball, so good luck trying to tame a wild Pokémon.
I like Pokeymanz said:
Let's see...With all the poison Pokémon, the earth would get severley
And even if nothing bad happened, last I checked we're hundreds of years away from making something as technological as a Pokéball, so good luck trying to tame a wild Pokémon.

Pokeball v.0.1

I would get, like, a Mr. Mime, like, an Abra, and, like, a Celebi. Like, Double Team is, like, OWESOME, I can be, like, at home and school at, like, the same time :O I, like, teleport out, of, like, danger, and with Celebi I, like, will, like, control, like, time, like! If I were, like, to choose, like, only one Pokémon, then, like, it would be, like, Celebi so I can, like, control, like, time, like!

^Previous paragraph had, like, 19 likes.
Poison Pokémon do less of actually polluting the earth and more of eating it. I mean, the only Poison type that actually reflects industrial waste are Muk, Weezing and Swalot. The rest reflect natural poison made by animals.

Fire doesn't make Global Warming, at least not much. IT's more about the toxic gases that are emitted by burning the wrong fuel.

Double team is imaging, you're thinking of Substitute.
my favorite type is fire ground and dragon

c-m: Is reading rules too much for you to handle? They're in Site Discussion, and it would be advised if you'd even consider reading them, for your own good.
What you did but should not do ever again:
Go off-topic.
Post a very short post with not conversational value.

Thank you for reading, and may I never see anything like this again.
If pokemons were real, I shall gather as many Bidoof as I could and train them until i have a LARGE BIDOOF ARMY!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!
no If pokemon were real, I would gather an army of kricketune into a quire. Then I would annoy as many people as possible.
Great Idea!

I would Get as Many Empoleon's as possible and make Malaysia SNOW! (Our Country Doesn't Have Snow Cuz We're In The Tropical Area)
Aquajet_23 said:
Great Idea!

I would Get as Many Empoleon's as possible and make Malaysia SNOW! (Our Country Doesn't Have Snow Cuz We're In The Tropical Area)

Trust me, NO YOU DON'T. Snow is very cold and nasty and it takes you half an our just to shovel your driveway. If I was in a tropical area, I'd like it just how it is.
Lol.. everyone's copying my idea XD. Kricketune isnt annoying but Venomoth from SW is(Disturbance Dive attack) they would be like "Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother Bother " non-stop.

I rather have Malaysia in it's tropical weather... Just the way I love it =).

Next, after the large Bidoof army. I shall make them so smart they can talk XD. Also, I will gather Gastrodons' from every sea and flood the world MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA *chokes on a peanut*
i would gather a combined army of bidoofs, budews, and shinxes, then take over the world!!!!!! or at least my school.
Muwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! *eats while laughing maniacally* *chokes on cashew* *keels over dead*