What if you could write your own episode

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Also there has been an episode where the gang get harassed by an evil Togepi and then get rocketed into space so be as ridiculous as you like
I would have an episode where there would be a purple ninja with a Charmander teamate and he would kill everyone and they would all die.

Honestly, I would have and episode where the girl gets there own mini-adventure alone. Just to see what happens. Maybe have Misty find a secret base or something and investegate it alone.
The one main thing I want is a full episode of that little animation of Pikachu and other pokemon they have before movies. I don't remember what it's called but it would be amazing! Another cool episode would be something with Team Aqua and Magma messing with the orbs and changing the weather but I guess that's more movie material anyways.
If I had to write my own episode... Of course it would focus on Legendaries.
  • Ash & Co. travel to some ancient ruins where they meet some mysterious character who studies the creation of the Pokémon universe.
  • After some chatting and Ash battling the mysterious character for fun, Arceus appears and becomes slightly perturbed that they're trespassing on sacred ground. The ruins were once a shrine built to honor it.
  • Arceus tells them to leave immediately, its rage growing stronger by the second.
  • Ash & Co. apologize and begin to leave, but Team Rocket attempts to capture Arceus and fails miserably, and they're promptly blasted off by a Hyper Beam from ol' Arceus.
  • Now blind with rage, insulted that anyone would attempt to attack it, Arceus begins attacking Ash & Co., who can do nothing but try to defend themselves. Their Pokémon are given solid beatings and, before Arceus can deliver the final blow, Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, and the Lake Trio appear and defend Ash & Co.
  • The mysterious character explains that Arceus's creations are begging it to stop, and Arceus's rage is calmed.
  • As an apology, Arceus asks if Ash & Co. can ever forgive it, and it offers to show them how it created the universe. Of course, Ash and the mysterious character quickly accept its offer, and Arceus shows them the creation of the universe with some of its power.
  • After that's all done (you'd expect their minds to be blown, but this is the anime here, the show must go on), they do the usual rounds of "Goodbye!" and leave the ruins.

A little odd, but I'd watch it. Normally I dislike the whole "oh look, here comes Team Rocket who will inevitably fail to capture the Pokémon they're after" thing, but I couldn't think of any other way for the plot to progress.
Hey, remember how in one of the books in D/P/Pt it's all "Pokemon used to marry people"? Something could be done with that.
Ash has been a Pikachu before, so this is somewhat like that...
Ash and Pikachu switch, making Pikachu the trainer, and Ash the Pikachu. It would be... interesting(possibly caused by a Manaphy????)
After watching BW18, I want an Arti episode, where he goes on a journey to find insupureishon getting into all sorts of misadventures. Hahakomori is his trusty companion who has to deal with all his crazy idiosyncrasies and intervene with physical force (think Brock and croagunk). In the end of the episode, Arti is running into the sunset chased by police cars.
A documentary of wild pidgeys fighting fir survival.
Hunting down caterpie and evading growlithe.
Then one evolves and becomes leader. Then ash catches it and ruins the whole plot.
There is a random dude digging up fossils. He finds a Lid Fossil. Ash & co. come across him. They find out that it is really Max. Max is a full trainer and has a Kirlia (the evolution of the Ralts he befriended in AG109) a Mightyana (the Pocheana who couldn't evolve in AG0110 and some random pokemon. Max shows Ash that he has 3 Hoenn badges, Max battles Ash, Max loses. Max and Ash train. While walking along they meet a person-man who revives fossils. Team Rocket comes and trys to steal Pikachu and Kirlia. Max throws the Lid fossil to the person-man he revives it inot a Purotoga. Purotoga saves the day. Max leaves Unova on a boat at sunset to go back to Hoenn and show everyone Purotoga(which noone in Hoenn knows about because they haven't made a R/S/E remake) everyone gets all teary eyed, announcer says: "With that great memory behind us blah blah blah TO BE CONTINUED".
i would make ash catch the sunglasses sandile and send his swaddle back and there could be a pokemon (maybe a Cofagrigus) that can not be beaten but the only pokemon that beat it was the sunglasses sandile and the Cofagrigus' trainer was the one that gave sandile sunglasses but the trainer was mean to it so sandile left but when ash catches sandile they meat the trainer and sandile and Cofagrigus battle and sandile wins.
I'd make one where Ash and Misty got married and had a child Pikachu and named it Dawn, even though it was a boy. (This was a dream I had.)
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