What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)

It is not a cookie, it is a cookie-shaped bomb that explodes in your face.

What if I kidnapped a Quagsire?
You'd fail, because it evolves from Wooper, the single most awesome Pokemon in the universe, and beyond XD.

What if I killed this forums...
We would scream in joy.

What if everybody got Platinum except me...but it was in a language they couldn't understand?
We would all get our pre-ordered versoins and sell our foreign ones.

What if the world smelled like chocolate?
I would steal all your possessions.

What if Mother 3 was never released in the U.S., and the fan translation was taken off the web?
Well, at least it's not your aunt! Good thing it is only your ant, LOL.

What would happen if Serebii hacked onto this site?