What instruments do you play?

Violin and viola (of course, they're extremely similar, so... yeah). I know some guitar and a tiny tiny bit of piano, but aside from that, there aren't any instruments I can play. Unless the vuvuzela counts as an instrument, which it does not.
I no longer play competitively, although like many musicians I possess an eternal love for the symphonic art.

I used to play the sackbut trombone for several years – including its variations and positions (i.e. tenor, tenor with the F-attachment, bass with F and D valves; 1st, 2nd, 3rd - respectively). I mainly played 2nd or 3rd, as I preferred a lower range and desired to be the foundation of my 'bone camaraderie. In my last two years of high school, I joined two more music groups – jazz, and an ensemble for smaller bands. In jazz, I was asked to switch to bass trombone because the original player quit to focus on football. I remember an orchestral performance where I had to switch between bass and tenor because we only had two other trombonists – it was very...cumbersome (chuckles). I also had to substitute for baritone or tuba parts because we didn't have either until half way into the year. Yes – we were one of those 'upside-down' pyramids for a while! XD

I also used to play acoustic guitar for roughly 13 years (on and off, though) – classical and flamenco music, mainly. Sadly, I am no longer able to play the guitar thanks to a certain incident. I also play a tiny bit of piano – nothing more than simplistic playing. I like to play the underground theme in Super Mario Bros., haha.
I played the Snare Drum in 5th/6th Grade. Now I just play Guitar/Drums on Rock Band. ._. (And yes, I know they don't count lol.)

dmaster out.
I haven't touched a clarinet in about ten years :( always did want to pick up a harmonica and try (mostly because it's not seen all that often)

@HypnoticLuxray: That oboe comment? Made. My. Day.
Changing the question a bit. Can you play a Tune on an instrument. Not just make a sound out of it.
Zenith said:
I can sing, too.

Everyone can play that instrument. Some people just can't do it very well.

Scizorliscious said:
Zenith said:
The vuvuzela is, in fact, a brass instrument. It is a type of horn.
...I still don't count it as an instrument, considering it's made to produce a single note.

I could beat it against something. That would make a different sound.
The vuvuzela as a horn can make any pitch of sound depending on how much air you blow into it, just like any other horn (it'd sound like changing pitch on a kazoo or the mouthpiece off a traditional Western/symphonic woodwind/brass instrument for example). The only thing that hampers the pitch though is that the instrument (like the kazoo and mouthpiece) sounds so sharp/flat from a conventional ABCDEFG tone in its normal state, that it comes across as more of a "note-less" buzzing noise. Not to mention when there's hundreds of them blasting in one stadium –– it's like pressing all the keys at once on a detuned piano :p.
I'm teaching myself to play the trumpet. I plan on learning a whole bunch of songs by Beirut (mostly Nantes) and Neutral Milk Hotel (Song against sex, Two Headed Boy, Aeroplane Over the Sea, etc.). Also, the Tetris theme.
Ok cool.
Trombone. That's it.

However, I do kind of play (compose my own songs without lessons) on:
Guitar (Acoustic)
I'm taking acoustic guitar lessons, teaching myself bass, and I'm in a piano ensamble class in school!!
What's the difference between a coffin and a viola? With a viola, the dead person is on the outside.

So I play the cello, guitar, piano, electric bass.
I play Keyword. I have one E66 Roland Keyboard Synthesizer and I am kinda okay with the keys.