What internet browser do you use?

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I think every Mod in this place uses Firefox >_>
considering how much they rag on IE.
I, myself, use IE.
Because I don't wanna go through the hole trouble of making FireFox my default.
I prety much use FireFox as a back up.
when you download firefox it automatically ask you if you want it to be your defult browser you dont have to do anything really
Meh, that didn't work out for me.
I perfer IE anyways.
I guess I'm just used to it.
I use Firefox 3. I have both IE and Opera on my computer, but I usually only use those when I'm playing around with HTML and want to make sure a website looks good.
I don't see the difference between Firefox and IE, other than the interface and the add-ons. So I stick with the default IE, but I occassionally use Firefox when IE is just so slow. :/
It's a good thing Firefox is multi-platform, so everyone can enjoy it. There's actually an add-on you can get for Firefox that emulates the IE engine, allowing you to view IE-only sites in Firefox. It's called IE-Tab I believe.
Well, when I watch online episodes of various TV shows I missed at nbc.com, IE's buffer isn't big enough, so I'm forced to use MF. I like MF, but it is slower than IE.
Then again, I have a very advanced and upgraded IE, while I think we have an out dated MF. Who knows.
This thread is completely idiotic. Why does it matter? All internet browsers take you to the same internet...unless your on 'shrooms. I use IE simpley because I don't feel like wasting my computers memory DLing firefox and then screwing around with it to make it how I like it. And unless I'm stoned, I have never had a problem with IE and it doesn't slow at all (cept on my old PC, but that was because it was windows 98).
So are threads asking what music you like, or what games like to you play. However, they are not breaking the rules. Moreover, if you think this thread is idiotic why post in it?
Theres a difference between asking for people's opinions and starting a topic about something that does the same thing and has basically the same effect (speed, ect.). I never said they were breaking any rules. And I posted in it to point out the fact that this thread is idiotic. Otherwise, someone else would have too, and I don't want to force that upon someone.
Papi/Manny said:
Theres a difference between asking for people's opinions and starting a topic about something that does the same thing and has basically the same effect (speed, etc.). I never said they were breaking any rules. And I posted in it to point out the fact that this thread is idiotic. Otherwise, someone else would have too, and I don't want to force that upon someone.
there are better things to do in life than complain.
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