What is a draft?

Brave Vesperia

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I read something about one but I dont get what it is or how I can go to any in Florida? (preferably near Port Saint Lucie)
And correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, the process of choosing your cards is rotation based. So say for instance you each have five packs in front of you. You all open one pack, go through the cards, choose one that you like, and then pass the rest to your left or right (You all have to pass the same direction though.) And once everyone has picked on they like, they then go through the pack that was passed to them. You repeat this process until all the packs are empty. (You have to take the last card that comes to you.) If you all are just taking one card like you're supposed to, then the all packs should end at the same time.

You then repeat this process with the next pack except that this time you pass it the opposite direction (alternating directions with each new pack). You do this until all packs are gone, and then at that point you start to build (preferably) a 40 card deck. Energies should be provided.

It's really fun actually. My buddies and I had a blast doing it.