Help What is currently being played right now, What should I play?


Aspiring Trainer
I have not played competetively in a few months at least because of low funds, but i am able to get into the game again. So I was wondering what top decks are being played right now. I keep hearing alot of malamar. But i have no clue. If someone could help me out that would be great! i used to play turtonator before rotation.
Hey, welcome back!

I recently got back into it myself, and before doing anything I spent about a week researching the current metagame, watching videos, tournament results, etc. If you haven't been keeping up with the current game, I recommend you watch OmniPoke, google, ZapdosTCG and maybe YellowSwellow if you have the time. In terms of sites, there's, obviously, PokéBeach, and as for tournament results, you can check Limitless TCG. It's a particular good time right now because a big international tournament just took place in Brazil, so the results you get from there will be very much up to date.

Basically, the best decks right now are:
  • Zoroark-GX variants (Zoroark/Control won the aforementioned tournament)
  • Granbull: 1-Prize attacker that hits for 160 if you have no cards in your hand
  • Buzzwole-GX/Diancie Prism Star (Landorus-EX 2.0, but I think you might know about this one)
  • Ninetales-GX/Decidueye-GX/Swampert (aka BrokAn Deck, DeciTales): Ninetales' Ability gives the deck unlikely consistency. Between Ninetales and Decidueye, you can snipe up to 110 damage in one turn.
  • Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel: The deck that everyone thought would be BDIF. You get Naganadels into play, accelerate Energy on them using their Ability, then you put the Energy in the Lost Zone using Blacephalon's attack. (Kinda like Magnezone Prime if you were around then).

Hope this helps!
Decks that utilize single prize attackers are popular right now, causing decks like Rayquazza and Buzzwole GX to fall in power due to a loss in the prize trade. Zoarark GX is still as viable as ever, especially as most single prize decks can't OHKO it (unlike Ultra Necrozma, Rayquazza, etc.), and it can (with Devoured field) OHKO most of the single prize attackers and has an edge on Psychic/Spread Malamar via weakness.
The three main archetypes (in my opinion) are:
One prize attackers
  • Baby Buzzwole (non-GX) /Garb (trashalanche)
  • Alolan Exeggutor/Sceptile
  • Psychic Malamar (one of the more prominent ones)
  • Spread Malamar (another prominent one)
  • Granbull
  • Spread
  • Control (the one that won Sao Paulo, a recent major tournament)
  • Lycanroc (another prominent version)
  • Weavile
  • Decidueye/Alolan Ninetales (Mysterious Guidance)
  • Golisopod
  • With Naganadel
Other decks include Rayquazza GX, Lost March (a shadow of Night March's former power), and Buzzwole GX (still hanging in there!).
Has a lot of deck lists and rankings on it.
Emerging decks seem to possibly be (these are predictions) Zeraora GX, Solgaleo GX (with new Prominent Solgaleo out), and annoying stall decks like Steelix-Wailord (because power creep equates to putting 220 HP on a ONE PRIZE STAGE 1).
Hey, welcome back!

I recently got back into it myself, and before doing anything I spent about a week researching the current metagame, watching videos, tournament results, etc. If you haven't been keeping up with the current game, I recommend you watch OmniPoke, google, ZapdosTCG and maybe YellowSwellow if you have the time. In terms of sites, there's, obviously, PokéBeach, and as for tournament results, you can check Limitless TCG. It's a particular good time right now because a big international tournament just took place in Brazil, so the results you get from there will be very much up to date.

Basically, the best decks right now are:
  • Zoroark-GX variants (Zoroark/Control won the aforementioned tournament)
  • Granbull: 1-Prize attacker that hits for 160 if you have no cards in your hand
  • Buzzwole-GX/Diancie Prism Star (Landorus-EX 2.0, but I think you might know about this one)
  • Ninetales-GX/Decidueye-GX/Swampert (aka BrokAn Deck, DeciTales): Ninetales' Ability gives the deck unlikely consistency. Between Ninetales and Decidueye, you can snipe up to 110 damage in one turn.
  • Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel: The deck that everyone thought would be BDIF. You get Naganadels into play, accelerate Energy on them using their Ability, then you put the Energy in the Lost Zone using Blacephalon's attack. (Kinda like Magnezone Prime if you were around then).

Hope this helps!
sorry for the late reply, but thanks for the help! I recently got around to building blacephalon/naganadel and it works great! i almost got all the cards i need IRL i just need 2 blacephalons and 3 cynthia!