When comparing Mario vs Infercatty as a match, I'd guess Mario would win. If it can take out the Skitties or Delcattys (exes) out fast enough (Catties with a Revenge), Infercatty is doomed. Then again, Infernape's high HP and stronger attack might give Mario some trouble, since Lucario is instant toast. Still, I think this match goes to Mario.
But if you compare them both against other decks, I think Infercatty is better. It drops a tiny bit of speed, but compensates that with DRE, fast decking and huge damage. Mario still seems to have trouble against high HP Pokes and is only really good early game because of its speed, since you wouldn't want to end up with 4 Revenges of 70, 20, 20, 20 to kill a 120 HP Poke, but you wouldn't want to power him all up for just that either. Dilemma? Probably. One positive edge for Mario tho: the number of playable Flying Pokes(with Fighting Resistance) has decreased dramatically.