DPPt/HGSS What is the coolest thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

The best thing i did was i caught a shiny steelix in the wild without cheating and caught it although i wasnt paying attention and didnt notice its shiny form i just wanted a steelix so i caught it thinking it was regular then when i saw it shiny i was very happy but sady i traded it to soul silver and i lost my soulsilver so now its useless
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

I beat the elite four 7 times in one hour, coming to a total of 25 victories over the E4 in Pokemon Pearl.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Went to the Celebi Event and got a celebi :D
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Caught a Wynaut in the 40s (47?) with a level 1 Tirtouga...

Or got a shiny Floatzle without AR, even though I had messed up the game with AR, none of the shiny cheats ever worked.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

I was breeding for Larvesta one day, and I knew the mother Volcarona was Timid and was 31/x/x/31/31/x. I gave her the Everstone and just crossed my fingers for getting all those.

The third egg I hatched was Timid, female, and had 31/26/28/31/31/30. (And I can't RNG.)
Aw yeah, son.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Was hunting for a shiny Axew, decide to catch a non-shiny to see how it is. Upon checking it, it was Adamant with perfect IVs :D
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

The best think I ever id was by random in Pokemon White.I walked around and found a shiny Lillipup,went in the water found a shiny Goldeen by fishing,and walking around again found a shiny Combee.My family is so jealous!
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Snivylover555 said:
The best think I ever id was by random in Pokemon White.I walked around and found a shiny Lillipup,went in the water found a shiny Goldeen by fishing,and walking around again found a shiny Combee.My family is so jealous!

No fair...!
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Recently like 2 days ago Gardevoir used Impression on my Grumpig so I couldn't use Pyschic.
Grumping moveset is..Calm Mind-Pyschic-HP (poison)-Rest

Grumpig was my last pokemon and Gardevoir was the 1st out of 3

I didn't give up..I keep using HP (poison), I resting of the damage I kept taking and I used calm Mind for the future of killing the other pokes. :)

In Pokémon Ruby Battle Tower
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Speaking of Battle Tower, I remembered another moment. I was in Platinum, and I'd gotten up to Palmer's second team. My team was Metagross (lead), Blissey, and Porygon-Z. He led with Cresselia. I switched to my Blissey to take the Signal Beam, and Blissey got confused.

I swept his entire team with Blissey. During that time, Blissey:
~never attacked herself from confusion
~survived a critical-hit Drain Punch from Regigigas (under Slow Start, but still)
~dodged 2 Magma Storms

And my moveset was Seismic Toss/Counter/Aromatherapy/Softboiled. And I destroyed Palmer.

Edit: I actually have the video saved on my Platinum. Unfortunately, since it's an "Other Video", I can't reupload it to show you all, as the Battle Videos on the server get deleted in a month - and I uploaded that vid about 2 years ago, so yeah.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

^Amazing :3

Hatching Timburr's with Mach Punch and Drain Punch, waiting to get the perfect IV, Adamant Timburr. 6th egg was the one :3
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

The most awesome thing for me would be this: 2 days before B/W come out... I am playing Pearl and run into a shiny Geodude! this kinda boosted my ego so i decided to start SR on my FireRed for a shiny charmander the next day. Less than 30 minutes into it and less than 50 SR's i got it;Adamant Natured. Then for icing on the cake, the next day (the day B/W came out in USA) i started my Black version and picked Tepig and its shiny too! First Try! that is the most awesome thing i've done on Pokémon games.
EDIT: Forgot to mention this, but, that shiny Geodude was the first shiny i had ever encountered besides the lake of rage's red Gyarados (which to me don't count as shiny unless the shiny gyarados was caught in B/W or D/P/Pt).
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Best thing I have done in my Pokemon game....well, finding a shiny Pidgey while I was just training in the grass, in one of the first routes, in Leafgreen. Favorite Pokemon game on a handheld game in history. <333
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

The best thing i did in a pokemon game is in pokemon black when i caught victini almost at the deadline.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

^There wasn't a deadline to catch it...there was a deadline to get the Liberty Pass.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

The best thing I did was catching all the sinnoh legendaries in pokeballs with no cheats. Trust me it
took about a year.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

The best thing I probly did was beating the 4 and the champion in red version with a level 253 magikarp. The Old Man Glitch does amazing things.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Trading all of the pokemon from my advance games to diamond, it took many days to get all the pokemon, but oh man, all the nostalgia of just turn the advance game on and playing it for a couple minutes really brought back memories.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Guilty spark said:
The best thing I did was catching all the sinnoh legendaries in pokeballs with no cheats. Trust me it
took about a year.

Wow! that reminds me, I once caught a Mewtwo at full health with a Pokeball on my Red version and I caught Entei(red) in a Pokeball(red) a Suicune(blue) in a greatball(blue) and caught Raikou(yellow) in an Ultraball(also yellow) all on my HG game. I call it my Legendary beast/matching pokeball set. I don't think this beats my previous post but it is still cool to me.
RE: What is the best thing that you have done in your Pokemon game(s)?

Beat the E4 and hacking my game with 999 in all stats Find my shiny Oddish on Emerald in the Safari Zone and Zubat in Cerulean Cave in Leaf Green