What is the fastest route from these directions:...? (For Regionals?)


Cooler than a Bose-Einstein Condensate
What is the fastest route from

Rockaway Blvd Station, Queens, NY 11417


Pennsylvania Convention Center
1101 Arch Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19107


Please help, as I need this for Regionals.

Thanks a lot in advance!

By the way, directions by using the public transportation system (ex. MTA).
You can use MapQuest. It gives you the best directions, and you can even print them. :O
Ok, thanks. It gives the best and the fastest, right?

Ok. Anyone else want to contribute?
"Google maps is the best true that DOUBLE TRUE"

But seriously, google maps is awesome. It'll give you car/transit directions, time and all that jazz. Haven't used mapquest, but I can vouch for google.

But it [Google Maps] gave me a 4 hour trip...

Hopstop gave me a 3 hr one...

Any faster one?

Thanks, but can they be public transportation directions? I don't have a car. :/

Ex: Train, Bus.

Thanks for helping, though!