What is the hardest boss of all games

I pick the Daredevil Run against the Bouldergeist in Super Mario Galaxy. Oh my.... I got at least 15 game overs just trying beat him.
Lolmonster said:
The final boss of the hulk game.
He's right. That was so incredibly hard! It took me over 9000 times to beat him!

I'd say one of the hardest bosses is in the original Ghostbusters video game. You have to dodge all these attacks while moving around and constantly shooting this thing. If you go even close to the bottom of the screen, the Marshmellow Man starts to climb up the building. It gets really annoying, since you have to go down to dodge most of the attacks. Every time you go to the down screen, the Marshmellow Man gets higher and higher. If he gets to the top, you lose. Not to mention that the level before that boss is nearly impossible, too.
Phanta Manta from Super Mario Sunshine.

Horrible music, and it took me tons of tries. You can't step anywhere, and if you do, you just get flinged back and forth until you die. IF you use a strategy, it ends up taking forever.

I also hate the level where it's come back and you have to clean up the goop it left behind in 3 minutes or less.
Mogenar in Metroid Prime 3 in Hypermode difficulty.

Just thinking about it makes my hands tired.

dmaster out.
Can't think of anything else right now, so...

Meta Ridley from SSBB (on Intense difficulty.). He has a ridiculous amount of health and Charizard's Rock Smash doesn't really help. He also does lots of damage, and is even harder then Tabuu. Also, the time you have to defeat him in SSE (2 minutes) makes the fight even harder.
That final boss on Mushihimesama Futrari: Ultra Mode. That things shoots over 9000 bullets at you; I've never been able to beat the thing. There are videos on the Internet that show how impossible it is. =_=

You beat me to it.

Anyways, From one curtain shooter to another. Huziwara from Touhou: Imperishable Night Extra stage.
Sepheroth from Kingdom Hearts 2. He has a massive sword which will hit you no matter where you go. Each hit cost you half of your life, he has 10 life bars where each hit takes of 1/10.

You can see it is impossible to defeat him
kashmaster said:
Sepheroth from Kingdom Hearts 2. He has a massive sword which will hit you no matter where you go. Each hit cost you half of your life, he has 10 life bars where each hit takes of 1/10.

You can see it is impossible to defeat him

Yeah, I was going to say him, too. I finally defeated him in both games. I would say that in KH1 he was harder because action commands didn't exist back then. Roll Dodge, Superglide, Aeroaga and Curaga help a TON...
I guess my vote has to go to the final boss of I Wanna Be The Guy:


But if we are talking about regular games on consoles, then one boss that really stands out to me is Mizar from Jet Force Gemini:

Dr. Robotnik on Sonic 2. The final boss - The Death Egg. Never completed it was so tricky.

Its not a FINAL boss. But on Kingdom Hearts II Proud Mode, The fight with Demyx at hollow bastion is an absolute nightmare to complete.
^ It is a fun battle though. In KH2 final remix there is a critical mode apparently so try facing sephiroth in that
It's not really a sort of boss but...
On Mario Slam Basket Ball Ninja Black Mage and Whit Mage on the Rainbow ship was pretty hard.