General What is the Longest Word in English?


Same user name as my Pokémon YouTube channel
Hi everyone,
Somebody once told me the longest word in English is “SMILES” because there is a mile between the 2 S’s :D
But there’s more!

Your smile creates positive energy; it uplifts your spirit and mood. Your smile should be your trademark logo - it increases your face value!

Learn to smile in every situation, because when you smile even in difficult times, you gather strength from distress.

However, you don’t need to fake your smiles! Nobody likes fake people.
Being happy doesn’t mean that life is perfect; it just means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

You have the power to make people happy through your smile! Make today a great day for you and everyone around you! Oh, and make the world a better place, too :)

Have you shared your smile today?
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in any english dictionary. There is however a protein which has a much longer name than this but only appears in biological encyclopedias.

But I do get your point.
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in any english dictionary. There is however a protein which has a much longer name than this but only appears in biological encyclopedias.

But I do get your point.
Breaking down the word, pneumono|\ultramicroscopic|\silico|\volcano|\coniosis looks like it’s a type of lung disease, maybe caused by inhaling tiny particles of volcanic silicon dust or something... how close am I?
Breaking down the word, pneumono|\ultramicroscopic|\silico|\volcano|\coniosis looks like it’s a type of lung disease, maybe caused by inhaling tiny particles of volcanic silicon dust or something... how close am I?
You’re on the nose, but it’s usually obtained from “ultramicroscopic” silicon dust and quartz.
If you’re asking, yes I googled that.
antidisestablishmentarianism is the longest non-technical word accepted by all english dictionaries.

try pronouncing it. its a mouthful.