What is the most unfair trade you have made/seen?


Aspiring Trainer
What is the most unfair trade that you have made or seen?
Back when the original sets were released my friend was so desperate for a pikachu that she traded her ninetails. The following day she got pikachu in a booster pack.
I think the unfairest I made was when I had Rocket's snorlax ex and my friend really wanted an ex so gave me loads and loads (and I mean LOADS) of cards for it. On that same day this card sold on ebay for hardly anything.
i traded charizard d for mew*.
i felt so bad about it that i then traded mew* to my fiance's 6 year old daughter for another charizard d, so it was more like she had made the trade.
err... 2 Espeon ex and 1 Umbreon ex for just one Dragonite ex DF... After this, I went straight to the church and made penance.
I have traded one of each of the Pikachu Ditto's from DS for 1 Nidoqueen (Df) and 1 Nidorina (Df). I can't bring myself to rip people that badly, so I gave the person some random card afterwards.
I have seen someone get a Pikachu* for a couple of random commons. More details when I can remember them.
Made: 4 Bulbasaurs for a Steelix-ex. I almost felt bad ;/

Seen: 15 Blaziken PK (Yes FIFTEEN) for a Typhlosion-ex SS. Sad part was, this happened less than a month ago. I almost cried with laughter :/

Arcanine out.
I traded my ray ex d and absol ex for 5 castforms 1 holon transciever 1 latios ex d 1 metagross and never got my cards.I got tricked by a RIPPER!!!
RM2 (malaysian currency) for a Walrein EX (PK)

About the RM, you can find a currency converter somewhere on the web I guess.
1 Steelix [TRR] , 1 Tyranitar [TRR] and 1 Charizard EX [Fr/Lg] For Rocket's Suicune EX [TRR]

That was unFair Trade that i did with my Friend
I gave 1 rare yu-gi-oh card (wich I don't collect anymore) for 1Latias*, 1Mewtwo*,1 Feraligatr ex, 1 Kyogre ex CG and other 200 holo/rare cards.

Edit: oops, I forgot: 1 Medicham ex EM. And the funny thing is that he lost the card 2 months later on the beach!