What is the play for Worlds?

Brandon Smiley

"Big Tex"
I won the trip to worlds, and really didn't plan on playing anymore this season.

I know that Eels is still solid, and so is Darkrai.

It's just, which variant and which deck should I play? I really am open to any decks because I can get my hands on anything.
RE: Man.. What should I play for Worlds?

Instead of asking what are you playing, ask what others are playing. I think a meta counter could take Worlds. You'll have to make it consistent, fast, and good in general.
Just my 2 cents :p
RE: Man.. What should I play for Worlds?

Changed the subject to what is the play for worlds.
I've never been a fan of Darkrai... it's just too vulnerable to Terrakion and too exploitable as an EX.

CMT is actually a pretty solid play because it has a fairly good matchup against both Eelektrik and Darkrai. It's just not as consistent as Eelektrik because it's always playing out of its hand instead of the discard pile.

Personally, I'd rather play Eelektrik; it beats Darkrai and can run with the rest of the format pretty well. Plus, it's very consistent.
I'm testing Darkrai/Terrakion/Mewtwo, and I'm getting some nice results. It isn't inconsistent like people say (if you have a good build, of course), and I usually can get a T2 Darkrai if I don't whiff on Dark Patches. I've built my list to be able to Revenge-KO everything without even dropping the Pokémon the turn before. Personally, I think Darkrai/Mewtwo/Terrakion and a consistent CMTT list that can survive a Terrakion start are the best choices. Zekeels is very good, but I prefer the version without Terrakion (mainly because I can't get it to work as I want with Terrakion :p ) and because it has access to Max Potion (which pisses Darkrai players off, I've "tasted" it before).
Basically, IMO you have to have a deck that can counter Darkrai, Mewtwo and survive surprise Terrakions. CMTT is in theory the one that does all this things best, but the problem is, like Celebi23 said, it's too hand reliant.
I think the deck to take the worlds is the one that you're most comfortable with. It's the biggest tournament of the year, trying to learn a new deck for it generally doesn't work out.

Then again you could just bring something totally random like google and try your luck with that.
Well, he does have over a month to get comfortable with a new deck if he wants.
Whichever variant is consistent but also has an answer for Klinklang (think maybe Darkrai Hammers or a counter deck like Quad Terrakion, something like that). If you have a bad matchup against it, you're gonna have a bad time.

dmaster out.
You're looking for slightly rogueish? Quadlions is the play there. Autowin against Klinklang EX, near autowin against Hammertime, it doesn't rely on Exp. Share so it can use Eviolties to nullify Darkrai, OHKOs Eels...

Quadlions has good matchups across the board on paper. You just have to find a build that works consistently.
The problem with Lions is it has a hard time with Hammers (and though I'd argue Hammertime is 50-50, everyone else says it is even less), and it loses to trainer lock.
Lions beats Hammers easily. Unless they land 3+ Crushing Hammers in one turn, the damage is easily alleviated by Energy Switching from benched Enteis to the active one. Enhanced Hammer is dead against Lions.

Trainer lock with Para lock I can see being good against Lions. Just regular decks with Vileplume (say, Kumis.dec) I can see Lions going 50-50 against. I will admit though I never tested Lions against item lock.
Um, if they T1 Hammer + Junk Arm as long as they 50/50 you don't get any progress with attachments, and Sableye keeps energies rolling.
Ah, I wasn't thinking about T1. I dunno though, that seems only to prolong the inevitable. They'll miss a flip before you'll miss an attachment.
But then the reverse can happen. Once they miss the flip, they can turn around and get double heads.
I suppose you're right. I was never devastated by Hammertime with Lions, but I can see it happening. I guess the answer would be test it more :/
If you manage to get into a Mewtwo war VS Entei you probably win.
Yeah, there have been many times where I get an Eviolited Mewtwo with 7 energy on the field via Shaymin and just sweep through three Enteis before they KO Mewtwo. :S
I think trainer lock is the play for worlds. Para lock is good, but I think that Meganium/Vileplume build or Mismagius/Vileplume is a better play, as you'll have an answer to everything your opponent throws at you (which isn't going to be much, since you've locked them out of half their deck.)

Other Vileplume decks are Truth (still good, but loses pretty hard to Raikou without Groudon and you have to scoop to a T1 Night Spear) and Cinccino/Hypno/Vileplume (solid matchups across the board, but flippy, so beware)
I mean, I'd never play Trainer Lock (because I don't like it :p ), but when your on Top Cut you'll probably eventually lose 'cause you will eventually get a bad start and it's hard to play 3 full games with a deck so slow.
Landorus/Tornadus/Tornadus EX/Mewtwo has quite a bit of potential. It has the right typing for the meta, it‘s fast, and it does ok on card quality vs. rogue decks. Mismagius/Vileplume variants and to a lesser extent Klingklang have given me trouble with the deck though.