What is the play for Worlds?

I thought of something. LandoTerrakion could be an amazing play for Worlds, but not the Lando Terrakion you know and hate/love.
I'll give you the Pokemon:

3 Lando
3-4 Terrakion
2-3 Shaymin
2-3 Mewtwo

This version is a lot like Ty Wheeler's version. Howevery, instead of trying to Gaia Hammer T2, try to get the T1 Harvest and try to get the T2 Land Crush. The T2 Crush would be devastating to comeback at, not so much w/ Gaia Hammer, as that puts a lot of your pokemon in OHKO range for Mewtwos and Zekroms. The T2 Land Crush could destroy a Darkrai and nearly any pokemon in the format since 90 is such a great amount of damage. With EXP shares (obviously) you would keep Retaliating and taking many prizes quickly. You will probably have to base a deck around it. Maybe a list like this:

3 Lando
4 Terrakion
2 Shaymin
2 Mewtwo

4 Juniper
4 Junk Arm
2 Pluspower
3 Catcher
3 N
3 Pont
(You could exchange a shuffle supporter for Sage's)
2 RR
1 Pokemon Center (I'm serious. This card trolls your opponent so much. It helps you too.)
3 Switch
3 EXP share
2 Eviolite
2 Heavy Ball
3 Dual Ball

12 Fighting
2 DCE (Could cut one)
This could be edited for preference like more/less Ball search, EXP share, DCEs,Terrakions etc. If you can get the T2 Land Crush, you are in a great spot. Consider testing this. I think it would work tremendously.
About that Landorus/Terrakion list: I ran a Landorus-based Fighting deck at nationals, and to get the T1 Harvest consistently, you need to replace the Dual Balls with Ultra Balls. Card disadvantage, I know, but worth it for the guaranteed search and another discard option.

To be honest, that is the only good way to play Landorus/Terrakion. Otherwise, it can‘t do anything Troll can‘t do better.

I think any Fighting deck with Landorus (either for acceleration or as an attacker) can do well. T2 Hammer might not be the best option, but it certainly is threatening, even for non-weak decks.
Zoroark/Darkrai is the play IMO. I was testing a strong version and could hit 150+ on T2 easily and consistently and keep streaming it, and then switch to Darkrai for KOs on everything, and Foul Play Zoroark allows for some tricks. I won one game with a Catcher on Raikou-EX and a Volt Bolt KO on a Eel, and nex turn he had to Volt Bolt my Zoroark and he only had one Eel so he couldn't really do much the rest of the game.
Well, I'm expecting a ton of Terrakion at Worlds. I think I've just about found what deck I'm playing, but I'm not gonna say.
Well in my opinion you should run either of the following:

-A deck that can do 90-100 on T1-2 (T1 Darkrai, any other Darkrai deck, CMT)
-Trainer lock with a BUNCH of Twins (VVV, MagiPlume, MegaPlume, KlinkPlume, etc.)

The first option can get a few donks which DEFINITELY will help. The second is the metacounter at the moment.

KEEP IN MIND that if you play T1 Darkrai you will encounter Terrakion, if you play CMT you will encounter Vileplume, if you play VVV you will encounter Espeon, etc. Make sure to have a counter/ backup plan.
I really like Mismagius/Vileplume, since it is a better overall deck than Meganium/Vileplume, although it's considerably hard to play. With accurate predictions about how the gamestate will look like in a few turns, you can utilize Mismagius's one energy move a turn to the fullest and it will be enough. Meganium/Vileplume is easier to play and is more forgiving of play mistakes, but it's less consistent and slower.
LegosLock said:
I really don't think I will run into many Espeons at worlds.. Worlds is all about consistency.

I'm not sure about that...

The weirder decks can do better at Worlds than they can at Nationals because the field is so large. Just look at last year...google's deck would not have done half as good at Nationals with seven rounds of Top Cut where his deck is pretty poor in a timed Best 2/3. Usually techs are pretty abundant and not a bad idea to look over for options after you see the field of decks.

dmaster out.
Worlds has far fewer players, and less rounds, so techs are much more abundant. There are less top cut rounds, which means trainer lock will be an extremely good play for Worlds, which also means that Espeon would be an extremely good tech. Personally, if I had the cards and the invite, I'd probably play Vileplume/Mismagius/Darkrai/Terrakion, since while it didn't get too far in Top Cut, it did extremely well in Swiss, as well as KlinKlang/Vileplume and Meganium/Vileplume. Also, it doesn't auto-lose to anything with a 1-1 Espeon tech, unlike Vanilluxe and Accelgor. It's also not susceptible to Lost Remover or Crushing Hammer, which will surely see a spike in play after KlinKlang EX won nats.
Celebi23 said:
Yeah, there have been many times where I get an Eviolited Mewtwo with 7 energy on the field via Shaymin and just sweep through three Enteis before they KO Mewtwo. :S

This is a bit late, but Quadlions runs 2 Mewtwo as staple. Quadbird (Ho-oh EX) does the same.
Well, OHKOing one Entei (or just KOing it period with Mewtwo) forces a Mewtwo war if you retaliate with Mewtwo. At this point, it's an OHKO fest where your deck has no energy acceleration and is based around healing. If I'm up two prizes, I generally win the Mewtwo war.
RogueChomp said:
I thought of something. LandoTerrakion could be an amazing play for Worlds, but not the Lando Terrakion you know and hate/love.

I like the name "Terrus"...Or "Terrorus" better. The second one has terror in it!
I agree with spidy, (This is a noob saying this though) go with what's comfy with you, dood!