what is the set that has the best Holo foil and reverse holo?


Character Illustrator
I just want to know, what is the expansion that has the best holo foil and the best reverse holo?

For me, DS has unique holo foil... it's nice :)
the best reverse holo maybe from TRR...
I'd prefer the standard holos then the DS ones. DS ones arent really holo, they're just glossy. My favourite set is UF by far, the reverse holos looked sick.
rainbowifed?? what is that?
yeah, I agree with Abhorsen... DS foil is not really a holo...hope we get foil back to normal in LM... :)

UFo reverse look sick?? why? is it because there are pokeballs pic in there??
Well apart form the Pokeballs in the reverse holo, they had little sparkly things that made them look much more like a normal holo. Things like Sitrus berry and Protective Orb looked mad I thought.
a free holo you got when buying a boosters...not always in rare, you can get common or uncommon card with reverse holo...
ooohh, I see . In FRLG I don't know if they were reverse holos but there were pokemon mostly rares that had a pokeball in the part of their attacks
Oh, that's happened if the reverse holo is a rare card. Am I right?
Same thing happened in Hidden Legend reverse holo.
but what always up sad me is the foil cards bend every much until you can notice it even it is in middle of the deck:(
yeah, my Ludicolo DX bends very much...
I can guess if it is on the Prize...
why's that happening?

umm..since when they give reverse holo in a pack?
Legendary Collection??
I liked the E-card rev. holos. They covered the entire card (minus the picture), and provided a nice, beautiful rainbow shine.

Best Holofoil: The latest holofoil-the "Galaxy" holofoil.
Unseen Forces was the best. The Pokeballs were actually holograms, not just shiney dots like in all the other sets.