Alright, I am obsessed with this deck. I love lock decks in general so I was naturally attracted to Vileplume, but I couldn't get a good list working so I dropped it. Then came Noctowl. And Hoothoot can Quaking Punch(for no damage.) Bam, we just got another VileGar.

How good is VileOwl in Standard? The decks worst matchup is probably Giratina because it locks you out of Double Colorless. Another weakness is that since Noctowl only has 90 HP, it will usually get knocked out if your opponent has the energy to do so. Also, in my testing, it's really hard to set up a turn 1 Vileplume while managing resources, but that's a problem with most Vileplume decks and they still do well. Most decks now play a lot of item cards because the biggest threat to that besides Vileplume is Toad, which is usually played with Giratina, so players can play with the mindset that they can't play items, but they're only taking 30-50 damage a turn. I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on how competitive Vileplume/Noctowl is.

How good is VileOwl in Standard? The decks worst matchup is probably Giratina because it locks you out of Double Colorless. Another weakness is that since Noctowl only has 90 HP, it will usually get knocked out if your opponent has the energy to do so. Also, in my testing, it's really hard to set up a turn 1 Vileplume while managing resources, but that's a problem with most Vileplume decks and they still do well. Most decks now play a lot of item cards because the biggest threat to that besides Vileplume is Toad, which is usually played with Giratina, so players can play with the mindset that they can't play items, but they're only taking 30-50 damage a turn. I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on how competitive Vileplume/Noctowl is.