Pokemon What Is the Worst Gym Leader Design in Your Opinion?

Seven is a Color said:
sees women as trophies that he's entitled to if he compliments and holds doors for them.
With that amount of skin showing and his fabulous posing, I'd be surprised if he were interested in women at all.
The only thing I found creepy about Wallace was that turban that reminded (still does) me of Prof. Quirrell (not the colour scheme).

GadgetJax said:
Gen 1: Misty. Her team is annoying, her personality is annoying, and I don't see why everyone likes her so much, aside from being from the Red/Blue games.

Gen 2: Morton. I just don't like Ghost Gym Leaders, and this guy is so overconfident. I don't like overconfidence in the least bit, as it can make even the most interesting character awful. His team is no fun to fight either, as you essentialy have to abuse Awakening Items, hope that his Gengar's Hypnosis fails, or use an over-leveled Psychic type.

Despite her team being difficult even when going with an Ivysaur, i actually like her because Staryu and Starmie are two of my most favorite Water types and I loved her search for a boyfriend (LG and HG at least). Too bad GF still hasn't give her a mermaid suit in the games. :(

About Morty, you must be talking about the originals because (at least and from what I can remember (I might be wrong)) I don't find him overconfident in HG.
I always saw Wallace as a ladies' man. The kind that dresses classy, speaks eloquently, and likes to eat at fancy restaurants. His RSE look makes him seem modest about it. He didn't go out of his way for the attention and he doesn't have any ulterior motives; they were just naturally drawn to his personality and appearance, and he treats them with respect. His ORAS appearance still has that "ladies' man" look to me (I can just picture him with a rose between his teeth and "Livin La Vida Loca" playing in the background), but a different flavor. He's nice at first, but only because he's thirsty, he has entitlement issues, and expects something in return. He'll soon show his true colors. He'll start getting too close physically and/or verbally, and when you push him away and tell him he's a creep, he'll get mad and cuss you out. Then he'll make a status on Facebook about how he was "friendzoned" and how women don't like "nice guys".
Can someone post (under spolier tag obviosly) a clear(ish) picture of Wallace's new look? I can't open the site with the only picture that might be the new look and I'm just to curious to know if there's a big deal or not!
Leaf_Ranger said:
Can someone post (under spolier tag obviosly) a clear(ish) picture of Wallace's new look? I can't open the site with the only picture that might be the new look and I'm just to curious to know if there's a big deal or not!
Seven is a Color said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
Can someone post (under spolier tag obviosly) a clear(ish) picture of Wallace's new look? I can't open the site with the only picture that might be the new look and I'm just to curious to know if there's a big deal or not!

Really, is that much of a difference? I think it looks very similar, except for the glowy 'ribbons' like M-Rayquaza.
He has different colored pants, an open shirt with a weird clip-on looking thing, and a half-shirt.

But it's not a matter of how different it is, it's a matter of how my brain perceives the images, which isn't something I do on a conscious level.
Seven is a Color said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
Can someone post (under spolier tag obviosly) a clear(ish) picture of Wallace's new look? I can't open the site with the only picture that might be the new look and I'm just to curious to know if there's a big deal or not!

Thanks very much for it, Seven is a Color. ;)

About the design...I'm rather speechless! I agree with Seven is a Color's hidden opinion about it. In S/R/E he looked friendly but elegant and he just seems...flamboyantly chic, arrogant and pretending to be gay-friendly in order to have a laugh which makes it an offense!
Btw, is he wearing a cape with some angel wings pattern or it's an actual pair of angel wings?
Seriously, that smile is what ruins the character. I can imagine him walking and two musics playing at the same time: "I'm too sexy for my shirt" and "I'm sexy and I know it".

Yeah, sorry Juan, I'll accept that coat of yours but I'll give it to your apprentice since you, as his mentor, didn't cared for it! :rolleyes:
Leaf_Ranger said:
Seven is a Color said:

Thanks very much for it, Seven is a Color. ;)

About the design...I'm rather speechless! I agree with Seven is a Color's hidden opinion about it. In S/R/E he looked friendly but elegant and he just seems...flamboyantly chic, arrogant and pretending to be gay-friendly in order to have a laugh which makes it an offense!
Btw, is he wearing a cape with some angel wings pattern or it's an actual pair of angel wings?
Seriously, that smile is what ruins the character. I can imagine him walking and two musics playing at the same time: "I'm too sexy for my shirt" and "I'm sexy and I know it".

Yeah, sorry Juan, I'll accept that coat of yours but I'll give it to your apprentice since you, as his mentor, didn't cared for it! :rolleyes:

Actually I really think some parts of the design fits here. those green ribbons reminds me of Milotic which is its main Pokemon (could that suggest how these are going to be changed after Milotic Mega evolves? lol)
The outfit is kind of weird indeed. Also looks so uncomfortable..
Bugsy looks grlish in the games.
Jasmine doesn't look like a steel type gym leader at all!!
Byron looks pathetic.
Crasher Wake: What should I say?
CLay looked more like a gangster to me.
Drayden had that long pathetic beard.
scattered mind said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
Thanks very much for it, Seven is a Color. ;)

About the design...I'm rather speechless! I agree with Seven is a Color's hidden opinion about it. In S/R/E he looked friendly but elegant and he just seems...flamboyantly chic, arrogant and pretending to be gay-friendly in order to have a laugh which makes it an offense!
Btw, is he wearing a cape with some angel wings pattern or it's an actual pair of angel wings?
Seriously, that smile is what ruins the character. I can imagine him walking and two musics playing at the same time: "I'm too sexy for my shirt" and "I'm sexy and I know it".

Yeah, sorry Juan, I'll accept that coat of yours but I'll give it to your apprentice since you, as his mentor, didn't cared for it! :rolleyes:

Actually I really think some parts of the design fits here. those green ribbons reminds me of Milotic which is its main Pokemon (could that suggest how these are going to be changed after Milotic Mega evolves? lol)
The outfit is kind of weird indeed. Also looks so uncomfortable..

Also, that pose of him is just (one more) ridiculous. It's seems ASOR's pose theme was armpits, with Wallace showing how perfectly shaved his are and all of Team Magma offering people to givem them a sniff or take a elbow strike if compliments aren't made.
Okay, the only gym leaders I have ANY problems with,regarding looks, are Wallace in ORAS and Grant in XY.

Wallace just really... Ugh... He makes me MORE uncomfortable than I am being a closeted gay in the middle of a super Christian and anti-LGBT family reunion in the bible belt. He makes me so uncomfortable because I feel like this is how people see gay guys. Then again, that is the character trope in Japan... Ugh... I really don't like characters that generalize people off of stereotypes.

Grant really only makes me uncomfortable because his hair... Just... Why? Who would wear their hair like that? It's like a Lickitung licked his dreadlocks all together and it had pieces of food on it's tongue.