What is the worst thing you have ever done?

safariblade said:
^ what? how does that happen?
the cop brought you home?

i hope that was all he did >.<

got another.

You might have heard about this last year on canada day in the oshawa lake park. me and a bunch of freinds got drunk and started to do a huge sword fight. in about 5 min's we had a crowd watching us. then riot control came. we looked at them and they kinda got the hint we wern't going to stop. so they tear gassed us, didnt stop us, they tazered a freind of mine, we laughed, they got the sheilds and clubbed us down. we woke up in the hospital with some nice bruises. annnnd a $500 fine each.
Well I think the worst things I have done were:
- We jaywalked across a highway (a really busy highway) to get to walmart cause thats what me and my friends do when we're bored
- On 5th of july me and my friends were watching our city fireworks and my friends were like "lets push Jake down the hill" (jake is my best friend) well they got me to do it so i went over and pushed him down the hill and he slid for a second then stopped and i heard him crying and he was hurt the whole night and then his parents took him to the doctors and got him X rays and it turned out i fractured his rib cage and sternum and the doctor said it was a miracle he could still walk 0.0

another story, well it wasnt something bad I did. Well 2 of my friends were trying to find a place to smoke a cigar and so we went behind someones house and went in this field. Well I hear a bark and all of a suddun 2 huge dogs come out of nowhere and start chasing us so we all ran for are lives screaming obsenities. But none of us got bit ^_^
Full Moon said:
Well I think the worst things I have done were:
- We jaywalked across a highway (a really busy highway) to get to walmart cause thats what me and my friends do when we're bored
- On 5th of July me and my friends were watching our city fireworks and my friends were like "lets push Jake down the hill" (jake is my best friend) well they got me to do it so I went over and pushed him down the hill and he slid for a second then stopped and I heard him crying and he was hurt the whole night and then his parents took him to the doctors and got him X rays and it turned out I fractured his rib cage and sternum and the doctor said it was a miracle he could still walk 0.0

another story, well it wasnt something bad I did. Well 2 of my friends were trying to find a place to smoke a cigar and so we went behind someones house and went in this field. Well I hear a bark and all of a suddun 2 huge dogs come out of nowhere and start chasing us so we all ran for are lives screaming obsenities. But none of us got bit ^_^

Woah, there are still fireworks in the 5th of July?
Yeah. My neighbors were still shooting off fireworks until the 7th. And I live in the city. I'm surprised they weren't arrested or whatever.
BeepBop said:
Full Moon said:
Well I think the worst things I have done were:
- We jaywalked across a highway (a really busy highway) to get to walmart cause thats what me and my friends do when we're bored
- On 5th of July me and my friends were watching our city fireworks and my friends were like "lets push Jake down the hill" (jake is my best friend) well they got me to do it so I went over and pushed him down the hill and he slid for a second then stopped and I heard him crying and he was hurt the whole night and then his parents took him to the doctors and got him X rays and it turned out I fractured his rib cage and sternum and the doctor said it was a miracle he could still walk 0.0

another story, well it wasnt something bad I did. Well 2 of my friends were trying to find a place to smoke a cigar and so we went behind someones house and went in this field. Well I hear a bark and all of a suddun 2 huge dogs come out of nowhere and start chasing us so we all ran for are lives screaming obsenities. But none of us got bit ^_^

Woah, there are still fireworks in the 5th of July?

Sadly, most of the time, yes. lol, jaywalking. I want to do that. XD
Oh, I remember another bad thing I have done.
I once kicked a kid that was in 5th and I was in 3rd.
In the guts.
infmach said:
Oh, I remember another bad thing I have done.
I once kicked a kid that was in 5th and I was in 3rd.
In the guts.

0_o; That's like me swearing at a 10th grader. *gulp* Like I ever would. ):D
I'm a good student, but the worst I did was try to push a student away, and this student was big jerk, I hated his guts (and still do), he said it was assault. Plus, later on in the year I pushed him again, he,'being the idiot he was, said it was assault again.

That's why I refrain from contact, because you don't how people will take it.
I sometimes drive the car around my driveway when my parents aren't home. Haven't crashed once xP

I lie to my parents a lot. Actually, scratch that. I have a habit of lying to a lot of people.

I'm a bad boy *shades*
I pranked my Cabin Leader.

My church went out on a camping trip, and we stayed in cabins. I decided to stick gum in my cabin leader [Brad]'s soda. He found out by clamping his hands on Garrett and screaming 'WHAT DID YOU DO?!' when Garrett started laughing as Brad drank the soda. He said "Sean put gum in thur".

Later that night, I found myself having my hands and feet duct-taped together, with an orange in my mouth, in the girls bathroom. >.>

They were originally going to tie me to a stick [like in the movies, what hunters do] and put an apple in my mouth, but they couldn't find a strong enough stick.

Thankfully, the bathroom was empty. >__>

I'm surprised I haven't seen it on YouTube yet... *goes off to look and see if it is there* because at least 3 people got it on their Cell Phones/Digital Cameras.
The Power of Three said:
I pranked my Cabin Leader.

My church went out on a camping trip, and we stayed in cabins. I decided to stick gum in my cabin leader [Brad]'s soda. He found out by clamping his hands on Garrett and screaming 'WHAT DID YOU DO?!' when Garrett started laughing as Brad drank the soda. He said "Sean put gum in thur".

Later that night, I found myself having my hands and feet duct-taped together, with an orange in my mouth, in the girls bathroom. >.>

They were originally going to tie me to a stick [like in the movies, what hunters do] and put an apple in my mouth, but they couldn't find a strong enough stick.

Thankfully, the bathroom was empty. >__>

I'm surprised I haven't seen it on YouTube yet... *goes off to look and see if it is there* because at least 3 people got it on their Cell Phones/Digital Cameras.
hahaha lol, what's wrong with the girls bathroom xD ?
The Power of Three said:
I pranked my Cabin Leader.

My church went out on a camping trip, and we stayed in cabins. I decided to stick gum in my cabin leader [Brad]'s soda. He found out by clamping his hands on Garrett and screaming 'WHAT DID YOU DO?!' when Garrett started laughing as Brad drank the soda. He said "Sean put gum in thur".

Later that night, I found myself having my hands and feet duct-taped together, with an orange in my mouth, in the girls bathroom. >.>

They were originally going to tie me to a stick [like in the movies, what hunters do] and put an apple in my mouth, but they couldn't find a strong enough stick.

Thankfully, the bathroom was empty. >__>

I'm surprised I haven't seen it on YouTube yet... *goes off to look and see if it is there* because at least 3 people got it on their Cell Phones/Digital Cameras.

Woah, that must be very bad.:(
One time, in 8th grade, I called my Science teacher a.... female dog....
I wasn't suspended. >.>
That lady was EVIL to me for the rest of the year, though.

Then, I almost got LOTS of suspension, for swearing at another student who said bad things about my long hair.
I was only suspended for three days, and they were kicked out of school...

Then, the above evil science teacher started stalking my other teachers so she could try to get me kicked out of school, too.
Then she gave me a ticket because I talked. At lunch. >.>
She suspended someone else for smiling at her. That was the kid I was talking to.
Paper PokeMaster said:
One time, in 8th grade, I called my Science teacher a.... female dog....
I wasn't suspended. >.>
That lady was EVIL to me for the rest of the year, though.

Then, I almost got LOTS of suspension, for swearing at another student who said bad things about my long hair.
I was only suspended for three days, and they were kicked out of school...

Then, the above evil science teacher started stalking my other teachers so she could try to get me kicked out of school, too.
Then she gave me a ticket because I talked. At lunch. >.>
She suspended someone else for smiling at her. That was the kid I was talking to.
Suspended for smiling to the teacher?

Dang, its like these teachers in those tv shows.
I was at a music festival for my school, and toward the end of the trip, one of my friends who can be annoying at times felt like jabbing me with his music folder. I told him to stop like 5 times, and he just kept on at it so when I got the chance I grabbed his folder and threw it across the field we were in. All of his papers flew out and he had to go and find them all!XD