What is the.....??

I'd have to go with pretty much any special energy cards. (Specificaly Multi.) I already have enough special energy cards to build my decks. I get an empty feeling deep inside every time I see one of those cursed energy cards in a booster pack...:(
Dudeman1993 said:
Multi Energy! It's terrible!
Multi may not be the best but it does work in some decks. It is not terrible but it is annoying to pull a lot of them.
Lets make a list.

Snorlax (DF)
Heracross (DF)
Gligar (DF)
Jynx (DF)
Torkoal (HP)
Sunny Castform/Raincloud Castform/Snowcloud Castform (DS)
Seadra (DF)
Holon Transciever (DS)
Señor Gardevoir said:
Lets make a list.

Snorlax (DF)
Heracross (DF)
Gligar (DF)
Jynx (DF)
Torkoal (HP)
Sunny Castform/Raincloud Castform/Snowcloud Castform (DS)
Seadra (DF)
Holon Transciever (DS)


Why would you say that h. transceiver is bad?

BTW he is asking for rare cards.
Senor Gardevoir - I don't think Snorlax is that bad. Also, since when has Holon Transceiver been either bad or rare?
It was just a joke.

And Jiggly: Snorlax IS crap. Look at him. Can't deal over 40 in a turn. Has 3 energy retreat cost. Can't do ANYTHING when having a special condition. Has to rely on the coin flip. Can't heal over 20. Psch.
Actually, it's probably at it's best early on in the game (unless you opponent decides to inflct a Special Condition that isn't Sleep). It'll KO Holon's Castform in 2 turns (considering it doesn't wake up) and do the same to just about every starter out there, so can really mess up your opponent. Plus, if it's Asleep but has another Special Condition on it, it'll still do the 20 damge in between turns (it's a Poke-Body). And you want to heal more than 20 per turn? Use (I can't believe I'm about to type this) Potion (!), Oran Berry, Sitrus Berry or even Mr. Briney's Compassion. Want to get round the 3 retreat cost? Use Switch or Wrap Point, it's OBVIOUS.
Its kinda funny how soo many cards listed have been used in winning decks (multi and lunasol both in world winning decks. ;/). Laparas and jynx are both very playable cards (and don't be surprised to see either).
Papi/Manny said:
Its kinda funny how soo many cards listed have been used in winning decks (multi and lunasol both in world winning decks. ;/). Laparas and jynx are both very playable cards (and don't be surprised to see either).

I totally agree with Papi/Manny^^^^. Jynx is way broken in Shadow Blaze theme deck (typhlosion), which I am using and it is very playable. 2-2 lines for Jynx are appropriate. As for Lapras, it works well only with some Super Scoop Up's, or putting multiple copies like 3 or 4 of Lapras in your deck.