What is your favorite Format ever?

I think my favorite format was Base Set- Legendary Collection. Back when everything was new, fresh, and exciting!!
PumpedAaron said:
I think my favorite format was Base Set- Legendary Collection. Back when everything was new, fresh, and exciting!!

Same here I mean those were the days when 40 damage for 2 energys were insane now it sucks pretty bad, I dont like Bw-on
I like Base-Fossil. I mean, it is just so simple yet fun! The art is the best!
I actually like BW-on, it's very fast paced and i love how so many cards are like old ones (CPU Search,Garbodor/Muk,Alakazam/Reuniclus)
DP-whatever DP lasted to. It was the only one I played, and I was really getting into the odd/seemingly awesome cards. Infernape Lv. X with 150 for two fire, Salamence SW with it's two fire-two water attack, Dialga Lv. X with it's pretty art and other stuff.
DP-on. There were so many good cards, and a wide variety of good decks you could play.