what is your metagame like?

My metagame is a lot of rogue, Machamp, Gechamp,Gengar, and Gallade 4. And once I win a lot of BRs with my GardyGallade, it will also be in my metagame.
From what I can tell it's Machamps and Gengars everywhere with Speedrills running around and a sprinkle of random SPs.

California sucks. It's also filled with random people who come with their Machamp decks just to win stuff. They only play pokemon at these organized events and then come in with their Machamps everywhere. :[
I know. Everyone in CA just plays Macheap because they want prizes and prizes. Well, what's the fun in that deck?
Last time I went to my league, I saw Snorlax, Macheap, Gengar, Flygon, and Darkrai G.