What is your Metagame?

lets just stop fighting and lets are skills do the talking at states ok

go TMA

If you and Ryne end up fighting in Ashland, I will have someone DQ both of you. This is immature and petty, fighting about something so stupid as a game. This goes against everything the SotG stands for. ITS A GAME. Stop fighting, stop claiming who is better at the game and stop trying to stroke your ego trips. Its more you than Ryne since I see the kid at a lot of tournaments and he is incredibly mature for his age. (When I first met him I seriously thought he belonged in Masters and I didn't actually know he was younger than 15)

I am amazed at how nasty people have become over pokemon it's a game

You know all too well on how what this game has become at your young age.

Pikakid88 - Wait till masters because I have people who are more than willing to help me.

Willing not only to help you but Jacob as well, even though Jacob has another year in Seniors unless I am mistaken.
Hey everybody listen I made this thread to discuss your Metagame not to fight over who is better! Steve I agree with you everybody stop it is just a game! Let our decks do the talking at states! STOP FIGHTING!
Seniors metagame amuses me, I actually don't know what to help Jacob make right now (He's starting to become very good on his own accord now, he doesn't need my help to really make decks anymore, but he likes what I come up with for him) since GaG is still making some serious marks in your division. I know mine is amusing, but I don't really care if I win or lose at States. I lose an awful lot anyways, so I doubt States'll be any different. XD

I sense a lot of Darkrai and it may not be a good thing for a lot of people to play it due to the current meta. But considering its "new" and looks very cool, I wouldn't doubt for a second people will be playing it. Darkrai/Blissey is something to be careful of, even with GG tearing up the meta.

I actually like Palkia, myself, to tell the truth. Playing him with Wailord or/and Empoleon/Swampert would end up making some very tough competition.
Yes the Palkia/Empoleon sounds pretty decent although be on the lookout for grass when Sceppy GE Tangrowth...etc!

*Steve do you need Sceppy's I have 2 but they are Japanese!*
Leafeon won't be out this set, even though I already have one. ;)

I will trade for Sceptile's, its for a deck I'd like to make for fun on the side. But I'm mostly gonna be looking for Wailords and Scizors.
scizors i think has alot of potinal in this game and im looking to try it also (again sorry about wht i said i was in a bad mood (my Xbox360 died on me) sorry for all the nasty stuff i said)
Naki Feralkin said:
lets just stop fighting and lets are skills do the talking at states ok

go TMA

If you and Ryne end up fighting in Ashland, I will have someone DQ both of you. This is immature and petty, fighting about something so stupid as a game. This goes against everything the SotG stands for. ITS A GAME. Stop fighting, stop claiming who is better at the game and stop trying to stroke your ego trips. Its more you than Ryne since I see the kid at a lot of tournaments and he is incredibly mature for his age. (When I first met him I seriously thought he belonged in Masters and I didn't actually know he was younger than 15)

I am amazed at how nasty people have become over pokemon it's a game

You know all too well on how what this game has become at your young age.

Pikakid88 - Wait till masters because I have people who are more than willing to help me.

Willing not only to help you but Jacob as well, even though Jacob has another year in Seniors unless I am mistaken.

FYI i have nothing agients jacobe I think he is a very good player and a real nice kid
Scizor=BCIF, IMO. It may not seem good to some people, but it has the potential of a T2 Swarm deck =].

OMG, Flame War anyone :O? Calm down, guys. Too bad I can't go to Ohio states and watch you guys bite eachother's eyes out. Oh well, take the good with the bad :p.

ANYWHO, Scizor, Darkrai, Cressilia, Empoleon, Lucario, and Blissey will definitely see a lot of play :)
I'm gonna make Palkia work. People will wish they didn't underestimate him.

Unless I get Dialga. Then I'm going down the Scizor route.

No Wailord on that list, Chris?