What is Your Take on Life?

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You can't hide what's inside.
Life is a very deep mystery to us all. Why were we created? And what is our goal? Before going into any more description, I wanna say please don't turn this into a religious or political rage. I'm posting this because I think it's a good opportunity for others to see what others think is our destiny, and can bring a meaningful discussion for PB in general. It's also something that we can ALL relate to and have a say in.

With that said, what is your take on the meaning of life, and what do you think your destiny and future means?
RE: What is Your Intake on Life?

We are here to enjoy life IMO. I think everything is most likely random. If there is some order of things, "destiny" does exist, and some things are meant to be then I think Life exists to change the Universe for the better. I can see this thread quickly becoming a religious flame war so don't be too surprised if this gets locked pretty quickly. :)
We are here because earth is 149,597,870.7 kilometres from the sun and has lots of water. We live because our hearts beat. We think because we are freakish. Our destiny is to lose the game.

This sort of thread will inevitably turn into a religious debate. You can see people are already posting here trying to do it.
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