What kind of phone do you have?


VM if you want to play ACNL with me!
Rules for this:

You can only post only after you have showed what phone you have, and you must include a picture of your phone.(you can show your phone and comment on another one in the same post) If you don't have a phone, just say you don't have one. After that you can post here as much as you like.

I'll start us off.

I have a Samsung Gusto but I'll be upgrading soon, I hope.
I have an LG Rumor touch.

Motorola Droid. Which I posted this on lol.


dmaster out.

Meh. It's a pretty good phone, and it does what it should, but it can be pretty annoying at times, especially that darn touch screen.
Well I don't, so feel good about that at any rate. But I'm getting an iPhone 4 for Chrsitmas so that rules me out.
@pokemaister899: Trust me, not having a touch screen phone is a positive thing. It's all cool at first, but at least a few weeks later it gets really annoying. The only touch screen products that don't bother me are Apple Products.
I have one of the Droids, and it hasn't been annoying so far. (As I know some touch screens CAN be.) Does take some getting used to though. I agree Apple products have good touch screens. I almost went for the iPhone, but then AT&T changed their unlimited plan as I was considering. (Deal breaker for me.) So I headed over to Verizon. Been a great phone so far!

Anyways, this is my phone:

HTC Droid Incredible
@ShiningRaikou: Yes, the Droid is another exception- it is overall a great phone in the touch-sensitve market. Smart phones such as the Droid and the iPhone are revolutionizing the cellular phone market. It's fantastic, if you ask me. I'm just going to jump on the "I'm waiting for the Verizon iPhone" bandwagon for now ._.
Curse you and your Awesomeness, Shining Raikou!
My phone's okay. I hardly use it except for texting. Youtube works well also,

Kinda Big

I'm lovin' it B) FaceTime isn't that great imo because I rarely use it.
Edit; Iphone 4 btw

CECT Phone (Cheap labour phone :p ). It's slow and I checked it's RAM equivalent (about 2MB).
It does what I want it to do, so I don't complain. I did pay a lot for it though.
I have two actually:

My first one is a Apple iPhone 4G from Softbank. I use this for most of my calls and such.

I also have a prepaid phone,

I use it mainly for quick calls, a house number, and allowing to use for guests. I bought it during summer of '09 during my study abroad in Japan.
I also have 2. One Iphone 3G and Nokia N900. I mostly use the Nokia N900 because I got it as a early christmas present :D (so I love it)
