What kind of phone do you have?

I have the worst phone ever. Flip phone with no full keyboard. On the bright side of things, at least it doesn't have an antennae. Worst. Phone. Ever. But it's okay because nobody ever calls/texts me. (Except for the Browns and Cavs. They send me scores, alerts, etc.) >__<
It's so old there isn't even a picture of it on the verizon website. (So I can't post one). All I know is it is made by LG, flip phone, no full keyboard.

iPhone3G for me. I would love the 4 because I want a video camera mainly to record pack openings.
I have this phone

The Samsung Fascinate
So far its a good phone and it not annoying to use the keyboard (I'm a txter) because of the Swype.

Nokia 6030-Not quite up to snuff with newer phones but you'd be suprised.
Lol, it's not called Droid here in Europe (I know it isn't called Droid in England, not sure about Europe though XD)
Yeah it is called Milestone, it is no different to Droid, except you don't need to upgrade it for the pinch and zoom to be available:

BTW I have it....

It's nice but the keyboard and spellcheck are annoying as hell. And the battery dies within 4 days maximum if you leave it on, but don't use it.

This'll be my new phone when it comes out for Verizon. (which is rumored to be in early January)

EDIT: Actually I got a Droid X for Christmas.
I have my 3G 16GB IPhone and I love it(except for the HUGE crack I just got on it)! I am getting it fixed soon, or I might upgrade to an IPhone 4.
I just upgraded my phone for Xmas this year. This is what I have:

That is the new LG Optimus Android phone.

I. Love. It.
right now i have two and that are,....
1 Iphone 3G
2 Nokia N900
both are my favorite
I got the EnV Touch and I love it. I've had it for quite a while and it has a few cracks (two on the side, and a tiny one on each of the screans) but that's just because I'm generally rough with phones. It CAN use internet, but I still love it even without it. I've been vying to get internet from my parents for some time now, to no avail. The touch screen is very nice and at the right level of sensitivity. The keyboard has nicely sized buttons so that you don't mistype almost at all. Although "butt-dialing" is sometimes a problem it's always a good laugh when that happens. Also, 2,000 posts!
iPhone 3GS 16GB Black.

I'd rather not post a pic, cauz I don't want to annoy ya'll since a few others have posted pics of what I have. :p