Pokemon What Kinda Pokemon Are You?


Trying to fix my own mistakes
Lets say you wake up on a beach and notice THAT YOU HAVE BECOME A POKEMON (no relation to pokemon mystery dungon). What pokemon would you be and why. I myself would be a Luidicolo because their my favorite pokemon of all time :cool:. I dont care what they are if there not basic as you can see. SO WHAT TYPE OF POKEMON ARE YYOOUU?!?!
Well If it was going by my favorite pokemon I would wake up as a Scyther or a Crobat.
I think if it was actually going by personality though I would probebly wake up as an Electravire or Hoppip :]]] haha
Absolutely no reference to the song! Minus ten points! >:O

I would be Wailord. Really big, has an affection towards kittens, sort of menacing up close, but in reality... not all that scary.
Cranidos(the one which used by stone gym leader in anime and not evoluted yet), small body but strong and have great pride.
Hitmonlee's the king with fighting moves, and you can rock and roll with GEODUDE. D:

I think I'd be something lame. Like a Geodudette.

But hopefully I'd be a Zigzagoon.
shayminlvr said:
Shaymin hands down

Wow! This fails SOOOOO MUCH!!!

Your supposed to have a pokemon thats LIKE you.. not your favorite pokemon *n00bpalm*

Porygon-Z: People call me obnoxious all of the time and say I'm random (really)
shaymin of the heart said:
Suicune cause im very controling
Maybe shaymin because im nice
Suicune cause im very controling
I really don't know what I'd be in terms of personality. :(
Lots of people say I'm helpful so um... maybe a Chansey? :/
If I could, I'd be a Piplup, or maybe a Ralts! :p
Pimpwalkin said:
Absolutely no reference to the song! Minus ten points! >:O

I would be Wailord. Really big, has an affection towards kittens, sort of menacing up close, but in reality... not all that scary.

Win :D

Personally... even though I hate the prospect, I'd be a Gardevoir. Most likely a Quiet nature as well. Cause... yeah, I can be fairly subdued around new people (although when you get to know me you'd never believe that). However, I'm EXTREMELY loyal to those who earn my trust, and I'll do anything within my powers to help and even protect those who I like. But I'm REALLY not a fan of excessively loud places (night clubs in particular)... another thing for the quiet nature.

Gardevoir is also physically frail (but specially solid), which in part represents me as well - I'm quite light, and I'm not as strong as a lot of people I know. However, I'm fairly gifted mentally; when I apply it, I can think my way through a lot of problems and learn in the process. The ONLY thing Gardevoir (and the nature) don't represent about me is my fairly decent running speed... well, that and Gardevoir is rather feminine. And that ISN'T me... but, Gardevoir is the closest pokémon I can think of to match my traits.
go cal, representing for male Gardevoir all over the world \m/
I'd want to be a Swampert or a Weavile. Note the word "want" :p.


Masquerain. People get intimidated by me sometimes, and I quite often take the blame for something I'm not. >.> ( When will people understand masquerain is not a mosquito?)