Pokemon What Kinda Pokemon Are You?

Dragonite Forever said:
I woul be Dragonite. They are very proud,smart,strong, loyal, and beautiful.
^In terms of favorites though -_-

In terms of favorites, Porygon-Z because I tend to act very reandom...

In terms of actuality porygon-Z XD

I like to go online and I always act random.
-Takes random pokemon quiz on google-

From what I read, I would be considered a Natu/Mewtwo Hybrid o.o

Calm, Serious, Intelligent, Reasonable and Nervous :|

If favorite, then a mewtwo since he's my favorite Psychic Pokemon :p
I would probably be a Porygon2.

Energetic, fun, and smart. But I'm not that great... Porygon2 has his limitations you know.

This game would be even more fun if you could diagnose the other person or is that already a game? ;)
PMD said I was a Machop, and PMD 2 said I was Piplup, let's go with that. Games have never lied to me before.
Mew is my favorite pokemon, but actually it even suites me. Rarely seen or heard of. :p

I could also be Ninetales. Touch me and I'll curse you.
For me...i'd probably become a Charmander...i appear small at first but as i gain more exp., i become stronger and eventually will evolve into the all-powerful Charizard!!!!
I'm always getting ahead of myself and trying to be quick at things.

Raikou fits my electric personality.

If I had to pick another Pokemon I would be similar to, It'd have to be a playful Pokemon.

Mudkip... or Pikachu. (Hey, I do like ketchup on almost everything.)
Dain Razali said:
For me...I'd probably become a Charmander...I appear small at first but as I gain more exp., I become stronger and eventually will evolve into the all-powerful Charizard!
Charizard is borderline tier >.>.

I might be anything with a naughty nature.. Maybe a water or dark type...
I might be Ninetales. I'm a nice person, but I tend to hold grudges over every little thing.
Or Lucario, since I have trouble trusting anyone.

Otherwise, probably Mewtwo.
I'm most probably a Heatran 'cause I usually I have a short fuse. Another possible choice would be Alakazam because I am usually regarded as by my friends, a "braniac".