What kinda prime do you want?


Master of Awesome
Name says it all. What kinda prime would you like to see printed?For me, I want a Feralig... wait. That's already been done. Maybe a Donph... oh wait, that too. Well, definitely a Tyranit... oh come on!

Personally, I'd love a Totodile Prime that wrecks the game. That would rock. Realistically though, I think a Hippowdon Prime would rock. His Lv.X wasn't very good, so I think he should get a second chance.
Marowak Prime would be pretty epic, and a Luxray Prime would have amazingly beast artwork...picture it...
Well i think some primes that we will have are
Mewtwo(ALMOST everything is done in pairs w/ these guys, mew just a prime, although the Level X was an exception)
Marcargo Prime
Primes i actually want
Luxray Prime
Infernape Prime
Mewtwo Prime
Charizard Prime
Scyther Prime
Electivire Prime
Furret Prime
Gyarados Prime
I want to see a tropius prime. Tropius always gets the short end of the deal in the cards and even in the games. I think the art work would look so cool.
We need a Pikachu prime. that would be my main want. but Shaymin Land prime would be even better!
Dragonite!!!! I never got my Dragonite Lv. X so I better get a prime
I also want;
and Flygon
He hasn't gotten ANY good card lately despite the fact that he PWNS, so I'd say Dragonite Prime.
Already know what I'm going to say.

Gyarados Prime.

dmaster out.
I'd say Venomoth since it's my favourite Pokemon, but it's not very realistic. Articuno Prime and Ditto Prime would be cool.