What Metagame?!


Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
Advanced Member
I seriously believe that such a thing is not in existence (for the Masters division at the least). My last CC comprised of this:

1 TTar
2 Gigas
2 Obama
1 Magnezone
1 Ves/Cherrim

And so many other types of rogues (in which one actually involved a decent Porygon Z deck).

Can someone tell me if there is actually a metagame over where you are?
Yeah, I'm pretty much overrun with Kingdra and Dusknoir, with the odd Luxray and Tyranitar.
Half the decks I saw were n00b at my CCs....then there was Mario, Kingdra, and a Darkrai/Machamp/Gliscor LV. X deck....

I don't think there is a metagame right now. Though when Platinum comes out, we could see a bit more Grass that anything else.
at my latest one, there was two vanderhatter's, a TON of noob decks (my division) a bunch of rogue's and, surprisingly, 4 magmorters??
The past tournaments I've been to have had Kingdras, Dusknoir/Gengar, Regis, and several rogues.

Starmie/Weavile looks awesome.
My area has


Anyway, I think we're sort of in between metagames, but we'll see what lives on (or joins) in Platinum.
For masters here the metagame is rogue - odd combos that do nothing for eachother than provide a couple different heavy hitters. The standard "metagame" decks are only seen in Juniors and a few in Seniors. I think it is because there are enough pokemon out there currently that run well on their own or work well with many other cards...
I can't go to League anymore, but there are/will always be lots of rogues. At my last CC, lots of T-Tar, Dusknoir, Machamp, Scizor, (the usual). It is early to tell a general metagame although.

dmaster out.
Well I am going to to a CC on Janurary 11 and I will tell you guys if anything has changed.