XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

fennekin is based off of different kinds of foxes, and if it really does become part Psychic, another myth as well. That's like saying Vulpix is the same as Zorua even though they are completely different legends.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

frostwind said:
fennekin is based off of different kinds of foxes, and if it really does become part Psychic, another myth as well. That's like saying Vulpix is the same as Zorua even though they are completely different legends.

A fox is a fox is a fox is a fox but different art styles and different backgrounds of the idea makes the pokemon new and interesting
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

CyberCat5555 said:
There will be two "teams" that are really rival companies, let's just call them Xcom and Ycom for now.


Pokemon X X-COM. Alternate corporation known as Y-COM comes into existence for... some reason.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

Now that they're doing 3-d graphics, actually, all it'd take is a slight code change - rather than whole new art - to make individual pokemon more variable. Why can't two pokemon of the same species have some random variation in proportion? Some slightly fatter or thinner for instance, or with larger or smaller eyes. Kinglers with different claw sizes, etc...it'd be that much more fun personalizing a team.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

Fully animated 3D sprites. Yes, I know that that was implemented in Gen V, but I mean animated as in they can individually move their limbs and whatnot.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

"3D sprites" is an oxymoron, Haunted. "Sprite" in gaming refers to a two-dimensional image, made up of pixels, like the graphics in Generations I-V. A 3-d object in a game is referred to as a "model."

I'm not sure what you mean, though. We've seen that gen VI now uses 3d models. What do you mean by "fully animated limbs" on them?
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

I didn't have any other way of describing whatever is replacing the sprites. I knew it was an oxymoron.
As for fully animated limbs, I mean make them more life-like. Make them move more.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

Haunted Water said:
I didn't have any other way of describing whatever is replacing the sprites. I knew it was an oxymoron.
As for fully animated limbs, I mean make them more life-like. Make them move more.

Like an arcanine that roars and embers flicker of its coat, then when it rushes in for flare blitz it's consumed in fire and actually smashes into the pokemon. Then it returns to it's side of the field and whimpers from the recoil. Then it lets out a roar with a bit of flame and then it repeats.

I wouldn't mind that, but it would take ALOT of programming for all the pokemon.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

Yeah, it would probably have to start off a lot simpler (and from what we've seen so far, pokemon are not making physical contact as far as moves like Tackle and Scratch go). For example, Arcanine using Flare Blitz would probably just become engulfed in one big flame, hit the opponent, and return again.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

I would like to see the time of day chage in game like it goes from day to night
And the poke transfer needs to still b in there to so i can keep my pokemon from
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

frostwind said:
Yeah, it would probably have to start off a lot simpler (and from what we've seen so far, pokemon are not making physical contact as far as moves like Tackle and Scratch go). For example, Arcanine using Flare Blitz would probably just become engulfed in one big flame, hit the opponent, and return again.

I feel like I've seen that game before....hmmm pokemon arena...no uhhh pokemon battling only? No ummmm pokemon.....stadium?! Oh right ya, I don't think we will revert back to 1999 technology
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

I don't think they've gone any further though. Like looking at Chespin using that cutting move, its not actually physically hitting the opponent.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc


Also, autorun. And V.S. Seeker, or some other way to re-battle Trainers.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

Starboard Driger said:

Yes. This. Please. This.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

That and just making the PC boxes available at all times. It could be a main app on whatever new gadget we get.

The only problem with this is that you could constantly swap and heal any pokemon whenever, so what if you could use it anywhere in the city except in places like Gyms?

Or there could be a sort of "frequently used pokemon box" with 30 pokemon that you use often and can switch out with under the barriers I already said. That way, you aren't really stuck with 6 pokemon.

Another idea is to show all of the stats and moves of each pokemon you catch. If your'e team is full and you catch a pokemon, you can't see its ability, nature, moves, or stats which are all kind of important for things like soft-resetting for legends or egg moves.

And when you catch the pokemon, the pokedex is filled up with that pokemon's base stats, moves, etc.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

frostwind said:
That and just making the PC boxes available at all times. It could be a main app on whatever new gadget we get.

The only problem with this is that you could constantly swap and heal any Pokemon whenever, so what if you could use it anywhere in the city except in places like Gyms?

Or there could be a sort of "frequently used Pokemon box" with 30 Pokemon that you use often and can switch out with under the barriers I already said. That way, you aren't really stuck with 6 Pokemon.
That could work. since everything is mobile now, with laptops and smartphones, why not in the Pokemon world? You could have a laptop, with one box in it. You could be able to "hook" the laptop up to the PC, and then transfer Pokemon that way. Maybe you could even have to option for the wild Pokemon to go straight to the laptop.
RE: What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc

I would like to see more mystery... Diving was extremely strange and mystifying. I would love to see random events i.e a beach party for no reason more elemental things I.e some kind of strange shell washing up on the beach sometimes all time related the shell could lead to a place where I don't know some kind of strange ancient land is or something... how about stargazing? all these things got me into pokemon and I remember how amazed I was at sliver and gold having a day/night system a proper day and night system should be brought back. I really don't like seasons much either a great idea but everything is boring in winter.. I prefer sunny bright beaches.
Your hopes for 6th generation?

Hello everyone!
I hope there isn't another thread of this topic. I looked and couldn't
find anything. :) If there is another, feel free to delete it. :p
So, I want to see what you guys hope for in upcoming
6th gen of Pokemon. What would you like to see? ^^

I'd really like to see everyones (I think) favorite addition to
Pokemon that we only saw in 2nd gen and it's remixes.
Yes, and option for your Pokemon to follow you. To walk
besides you. Just like Silver and Gold. Also being able to see
if your Pokemon is happy and stuff. ^^ I doubt we'll see this,
but there can be some hope right? :p

The other thing is a more fun region. Sure Unova was unique but it
was just too bland for me. I mean the roads were all in lines, there
weren't a lot of places to visit after the game. They WERE but not as
much in other games. Like for example, I think that in previous games
there were more ways to get to one place. Like you could go by a cave and
by a road, but let's say that the road is temporary closed. And when you do
something in a game, a bit later it would be open.
You also had to think a lot, at least me. I still remember having trouble with
Snorlax blocking my way ugh. xD

I think we might see this. Cmon it would be awesome if
you could customize yourself and be different from others.

By the looks now, I think there won't be another one but still. -_-

So what do you want to see? ^^
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

All I want is pokemon to follow you again. It was so fun having my groudon follow me and see how huge it was.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I really want a rival that is a total jerk like Silver. The ones from more recent generations are more friendly, whereas with a rival I want someone who looks down on you like you're nothing, not some old childhood friend.

Also, I wouldn't mind having following Pokemon again, but maybe have the option to turn it off? Sometimes in HG/SS it just got a bit annoying.