Pokemon What other Pokemon forums are you a member on?

I joined a few sites when I needed to spread the Gold and Silver remake petition, but I'm not active on any of those sites. However, I recently joined the PokeGym so I could view a few other forums. I have yet to post there, though.
I don't post to much in the gym. Most of my activity is PMing ruling question answers if they have not yet been answered, provided I know the answer.
pokegym(don't go there much anymore) and I'm a mod at Axel's I Herd U Liek Mudkipz forum.
What are all your guys usernames on Serebii? Mine is Seth1789110...lol that is the only other forums I am on. Well, except Team Explosion forums. Please go and sign up! We need members lol...in any case, just those. I am much more active here than on serebii, as serebii is kinda slow, with so many people. I mainly role play on serebii...