I would like to see Zoroark-GX, Crobat-GX, Roserade-GX and Quagsire-GX, just because they're awesome 
I love U put A ALOLAN RIACHU GX but Greninja no A ASH-GreninjaZoroark GX
Blastoise GX
Alolan Raichu GX
Scizor GX
Jolteon GX
Flareon GX
Vaporeon GX
Typhlosion GX
Sceptile GX
Reshiram GX
Gallade GX
Warlord GX (350 hp XD)
Infernape GX
Lugia GX (Lugia love)
Tyranitar GX
Flygon GX
Salamence GX
Alolan Exeggutor GX
Shining Noctowl GX (For shining legends)
Delphox GX
Greninja GX
Lucario GX
I think I said too much XD
Hey, I'd love to see a playable Flygon GX card. With stage 3 Pokemon being a bit more viable thanks to the slower format I feel this would be the best moment to introduce such card. Flygon had a lot of interesting cards in the past, mostly revolving around milling, but it's last few appearances (Furious Fists, Primal Clash, XY black star promo) left a lot to be desired when it comes to playability. Flygon itself is a very popular generation 3 Pokemon, which last year ranked high (#65) in the Japanese "Pokemon general election 720" poll and always comes in top 50 of Reddit's /r/pokemon subforum flair rankings (here are the most recent stats I could find).
I completely agree with Braviary GX! It really hasn't seen many printings, if I am correct it got printed 3 times in BW, and once in XY (Steam Siege I believe...)1. Raichu GX: I feel like I see this request everywhere, especially with Alolan Raichu I think this would be a fantastic idea. It's a fan favourite for sure, lots of selling power.
2. Braviary GX: Not a pokemon I feel gets a lot of love but definitely cool and strong enough to be a GX. I don't feel like it's ever had a real presence in the TCG.
3. Tyrantrum GX: Very cool pokemon, dinos are in at the moment and appeal to kids massively. Also it's dragon type which doesn't get a whole load of love in the TCG.
4. Wailord GX: I want to see the first 250+ HP pokemon!! Make it a jugganaught!! Popular in the TCG.
Bonus: Kabutops. Purely selfish reasons but this is a very cool pokemon we see far too rarely. I'd love this in the format no matter GX or not tbh!!
P.S Thanks to the Poke team and Pokebeach for doing this, very awesome of you guys.
don't forget Flareon!Just went through the posts and totted up the most amount of mentions.
Alolan Exeggutor
Alolan Marowak
Alolan Raichu
These seem to be the top 25 mentions.
I do think Ditto should get some more TCG love!Oh please let there be a Ditto GX on the way!!
I agree. Like I have replied to and liked, we should see things like Braviary, or Lopunny or maybe even a Miltank! (maybe it's GX move could be like a Sacred Ash or something like that...)I think a lot of people are missing the point of this thread. PSA to everyone. Do not list Legendary Pokemon, Eeveelutions, Starter Pokemon and stupidly popular Pokemon like Charizard, Pikachu and Lucario. These Pokemon will always get ultra rare treatment and like 50 promo cards. These Pokemon are always relevant and thus always in the pipeline. The goal is to get other well loved Pokemon a GX cards.
I have had this idea for ages!
'Sinister Arrow Raid GX: 130
This does 40 damage to each of your opponents benched Pokémon.'
'Malicious Moonsault GX: 50x
This attack does 50 damage times the amount of Stadium cards in each player's discard pile'
'Oceanic Operetta GX: 60x
This attack does 60 damage for each Fairy Energy attached to this Pokémon.'
Just a thought