What Poke-related gifts did u get???


I choose you Ninja Brian!
I already knew that since my Uncle works at Wal-Mart he was gonna get me 9 packs of the Eeveeloution POP3 Packs, 3 off each eeveeloution:D

well tell us what u hoped for & what Santa gave this holiday season:D

Lucky you guys....
I'm still trying to save up for a box of either PK or DP... :(
But I got a terific lunch though... ;)
I got over 20 packs with no ex's...

On the up side, I got Mystery Dungeon Red! w00t! My Christmas isn't over yet, though. ;)
I got:
Pokemon: Ranger from my bro! (it's a pity that the english one hasn't got Manaphy)
I got Pokemon Ranger, 2 Rayqaza tins, and a pack of DF. I got 100 bucks from my grandparents to buy a nintindo ds lite