Pokemon What pokemon did you thought?


Aspiring Trainer
What pokemon did you thought were evolutions of old pokemon before they were confirmed?

Ex.You thought that heracross was an evolution of pinsir before it was even confirmed..
I thought Pikachu evolved into Drowzee and Gastly evolved into Cloyster smh

and Raichu evolved into Raikou
achernar said:
that Shellos was supposed to evolve into a Lapras
Same xD
Before I became a hardcore pokemon fan, I thought seviper was something to do with the ekans family... Damn anime fail >.<
achernar said:
that Shellos was supposed to evolve into a Lapras

To be fair, Serebii did originally say it was a pre-evolution.

I used to think Magcargo evolved into Torkoal, and that Duskull was a Murkrow pre-evo (I was 10/11 okay?).
hatedisc said:
I was told that Lugia came from Togetic.
I thought Latias and Latios evolved from Togetic because they have the same triangular pattern on them.
I thought that Shroomish was a split evo of Paras and Breloom acted as a third evo ( I was 10 years old. It's not my fault )

Originally, I saw Luxray before I saw Luxio and Shinx and thought for about a week that it was an evo for Manectric. I wasn't very old though so forgive me on that one too.
Snorlax from munchlax....who would have thought
i thought Plustle and minun fuse to form a Pikachu:D

Snorlax from munchlax....who would have thought
i thought Plustle and minun fuse to form a Pikachu:D
Well I though Pikachu evolved into Pikablu (Marrill) when I was around 8/9. Can't blame me on that one. During the time of RBY rumors were everywhere!

And I too thought about Heracross being an evolution for Pinsir. Funny thing was that it was originally supposed to be.