BW/BW2 What previous Pokemon do you wanna see in the Isshu 'Dex?

I would like to see Snubbull, Absol, Houndoor, Poochyena, Zangoose, Sneasel, Growlith, Teddiursa, Skarmory, Sentret, Pidgey, Meoth... There are just to many great pokemon...

I would also love it if it is possible to obtain starters from previous generations.
And I really like the idea of different versions of older pokemon in this region. That would be awesome.
Pikachu is bound to make a comeback.

I'm praying that Geodude, Tentacool, and those other annoying pokemon don't make a comeback.
vaporchu8 said:
Please. They are worse than Bidoof in terms of how annoying they are. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that, when surfing or walking through caves, every tile you step on has a chance for a wild encounter to occur, as opposed to being strictly in the grass like elsewhere in the Pokemon world. Add up to the fact that these Pokemon usually have more than 40% chance of appearing and...

Oh OK. I'm sorry for posting my opinion
I don't care what the Pokemon are. Give me a 90% chance to find Geodude in the wild, but don't give me Zubat. It annoys me so much that I buy 2 Pokeballs at the beginning and 3 Repels.
Psyduck's been in every generation so far, he better be in this one. and why do people dislike Zubat? If you actually catch one and raise one Crobat is really good in-game.
What about the starter pokemon from all the other regions, i would like to see them in the wild.
^ You know that it will not happen right i mean they are super rare it would ruin the fun at Pokemon IMO
Electric Pokemon Master said:
What about the starter pokemon from all the other regions, i would like to see them in the wild.

You know for sure that would not happen. If it would this game would be called Pokemon Anime: Black and White
TheDarkLucario said:
You know for sure that would not happen. If it would this game would be called Pokemon Anime: Black and White
never mind. i can use cheats.
Electric Pokemon Master said:
never mind. i can use cheats.
Cheating wont get you in the door to the VGC's, no lie.

On Topic- Magikarp, Zubat, Geodude, and Pikachu. There in all Pokedexs so far. >.>
TheDarkLucario said:
Cheating wont get you in the door to the VGC's, no lie.

On Topic- Magikarp, Zubat, Geodude, and Pikachu. There in all Pokedexs so far. >.>
whats the VGC, i just joined pokebeach.
Electric Pokemon Master said:
whats the VGC, i just joined pokebeach.
VGC is the Video Game Championships and if you use cheats they can check and you will be disqualified
flyingmunky said:
VGC is the Video Game Championships and if you use cheats they can check and you will be disqualified
How can they check?besides i just use the cheats to find pokemon. but the pokemon i carry now(all electric type)i didnt usethe cheats to find them
I'd like to see the following in BW-




Zubat (yes zubat, but limited)




Of course not all of these would be included, but I wouldn't mind seeing some of these in there.
Electric Pokemon Master said:
How can they check?
I don't know the exact details but i read the official rules for the 2010 VGC and it said that they will have random checks to check if any body used cheats to get pokemon, items, etc.
flyingmunky said:
I don't know the exact details but i read the official rules for the 2010 VGC and it said that they will have random checks to check if any body used cheats to get pokemon, items, etc.
Now is this the VGC can i find this in the forums page, new to this, dont no how to get
Electric Pokemon Master said:
Now is this the VGC can i find this in the forums page, new to this, don't no how to get
actually the VGC is an official pokemon/Gamefreak or nintendo ,idk, event. you can check on the official pokemon website.
I wanna see Growlithe, Vulpix, & Spheal lines. I just added Walrein to one of my favorites, so.. I want.
flyingmunky said:
actually the VGC is an official pokemon/Gamefreak or nintendo ,idk, event. you can check on the official pokemon website.
well, i dont want to join it anyway